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Kata Awalan H Menurut Kamus Indonesia Inggris

Index Kamus Indonesia Inggris
Kata Awalan H Menurut Kamus Indonesia Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 H h, the 8th letter of the alphabet.
2 ha
3 habib respectful term of address for ethnic Arabs who can trace their ancestry to Muh.
4 habis
5 habis perkara that is done
6 habis-habisan all hollow
7 habitat habitat
8 hablur
9 Habsyi 1 Ethiopia, Byssinia. 2 African.
10 had boundary, limit.
11 hadang
12 hadap
13 hadapan
14 hadas (Islam) ritual impurity.
15 hadat see ADAT 1.
16 hadiah
17 hadiah hiburan consolation prize
18 hadiah Natal a christmas box
19 hadiah Nobel
20 hadir
21 hadirat
22 hadirin
23 hadis (Islam) traditional collection of stories relating words or deeds of Muhammad the chief source of guidance for understanding religious questions.
24 hadron hadron
25 hafal
26 hafalan
27 hai
28 haid
29 haik Charge ! (exclamation shouted when attacking).
30 haiku haiku
31 hailai (Sport) jai alai.
32 haj (Islam) pilgrimage to Mecca.
33 hajar
34 hajat
35 haji (Islam) 1 o. who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca. 2 title and term of address for such a pilgrim.
36 hak
37 hak asasi manusia human right
38 hak cipta copyrights
39 hak guna usaha right of tenure by long lease
40 hak ingkar denial right
41 hak milik property
42 hak pakai right of property
43 hak paten patent right
44 hak pilih suffrage
45 hak veto veto right
46 hakikat reality
47 hakiki
48 hakim
49 hal
50 halai-balai 1 ignored, neglected. 2 in confusion.
51 halal
52 halaman
53 halaman belakang backyard
54 halaman depan front page
55 halang
56 halangan
57 halau
58 halimun
59 halma Chinese checkers.
60 haluan
61 halus
62 halusinasi
63 halwa fruits preserved in sugar.
64 ham
65 hama
66 Hamal (Zod.) Aries.
67 hamba
68 hambar
69 hambat
70 hambatan
71 hambur
72 hamburan scattering
73 hamburan cahaya light scattering
74 hamburger
75 hampa
76 hampa udara air-less
77 hampar
78 hamparan
79 hampir
80 hampir-hampir on the verge of
81 hamzah letter of Arabic alphabet representing glottal stop.
82 hana 1 wide and uninhabited. 2 empty, deserted
83 hanacaraka the Java, Sunda, or Madurese syllabary.
84 hancing stench, foul odor.
85 hancur
86 hancur lebur vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = go to pieces;gone to pieces;gone to pieces;going to pieces
87 hancur luluh vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = moulder;mouldered;mouldered;mouldering
88 handai friend, companion.
89 handai tolan friend
90 handal
91 handuk
92 hang (Lit.) male title.
93 hangar see HANGGAR 1.
94 hangat
95 hanggar
96 hangit see ANGIT.
97 hangus
98 hansop child's play- and sleepwear with short sleeves and short legs.
99 hantam
100 hantam kromo disorder
101 hantaman
102 hantar
103 hantaran passing
104 hantu
105 hanya
106 hapal
107 hapus
108 harafiah
109 harakiri
110 haram
111 haram jadah bastard
112 harap
113 harapan expectation
114 harapan hidup a spark of life
115 hardik
116 hardikan rebuke,scolding, harsh words.
117 harem harem
118 harfiah
119 harga
120 harga asli original value
121 harga borongan lump sum
122 harga diri selfregard
123 harga eceran retail price
124 harga obral cut-price
125 harga pasar market price
126 harga pokok cost of good sold
127 harga pokok penjualan cost of goods sold
128 harga pokok produksi cost of goods manufactured
129 harga tertinggi ceiling price
130 harga tunai cash price
131 hari
132 hari baik high time
133 hari Buruh labor day
134 hari kelahiran birthday
135 hari kemerdekaan independence day
136 hari lahir birthday
137 hari libur red letter day
138 hari Natal Chrismas
139 hari peringatan jubilee
140 hari raya feast day of Ramadan
141 hari sekolah schooldays
142 hari ulang tahun anniversary
143 harian
144 harimau
145 harimau akar panther
146 harimau kumbang panther
147 harmoni
148 harmonik
149 harmonika
150 harmonis
151 harmonisasi harmonization.
152 harmonium
153 harta
154 harta bawaan bowry protion
155 harta benda good and chattel
156 harta bersama community property
157 harta karun pay dirt
158 harta pusaka inheritance
159 harta usaha working asset
160 hartawan
161 haru
162 harum
163 harus
164 has 1. filet, tenderloin. 2. gauze, fine screening.
165 hasad
166 hasan good, beautiful, handsome.
167 hasil
168 hasil bagi quotient
169 hasil bumi land product
170 hasil sampingan by-product
171 hasil tambang mining products
172 hasrat
173 hasta
174 hasud see HASAD.
175 hasyis hashish.
176 hati
177 hati nurani conscience
178 hati sanubari heartstrings
179 hatta (Lit.) then, thereupon.
180 haus
181 hawa
182 hawar blight.
183 hawiah (Islam., Lit.) depths of hell.
184 hayat
185 hayati
186 hela
187 helaan haul
188 helah
189 helai
190 helat 1. celebration, party. 2. see HELAH.
191 helicak [helikopter becak] three-wheeled motorized pedicab.
192 helikopter
193 heliogram heliogram
194 heliometer heliometer
195 helipad [helikopter pad] helicopter pad.
196 helium
197 helm
198 hem um (exclamation of distaste, scorn).
199 hemat
200 hematit hematite
201 hembalang ber-hembalang tumble head over heels.
202 hembus
203 hemisfer hemisphere
204 hemofilia haemophilia
205 hemoglobin haemoglobin
206 hempas
207 hempasan flinging down
208 hendak
209 hendaklah shall
210 hendel handle (of door, etc.).
211 heng (Sport) Hands ! (said when soccer ball is touched with hands).
212 hengkang see ENGKANG.
213 hening
214 henry henry
215 henti
216 heran
217 herba herb.
218 herbisida
219 herbivor herbivorous
220 herbivora herbivore
221 herder German shepherd dog.
222 hering
223 hero 1 popular sports figure. 2 s.o. of considerate prowess.
224 heroik heroic.
225 heroin
226 heroisme heroism.
227 hertz hertzianhertz
228 heterogen
229 hewan
230 hewani /hewaniah/ of an animal.
231 hiasan decoration
232 hibah
233 hibernasi
234 hibrida hybrid.
235 hibuk see SIBUK.
236 hibur
237 hiburan
238 hidang
239 hidangan dish
240 hidayah /hidayat/ (God's) guidance.
241 hidrasi hydration
242 hidrat
243 hidraulika hydraulics
244 hidrodinamika hydrodynamics
245 hidrofoil hidrofoil
246 hidrofon hydrophone
247 hidrogen
248 hidrograf hydrographer
249 hidrografi hydrography
250 hidrokarbon hydrocarbon
251 hidroksida hydroxide
252 hidroksil hydroxyl
253 hidrolisis
254 hidrologi hydrology.
255 hidrometer hydrometer
256 hidrometri hydrometry
257 hidroskop hydroscope
258 hidrostatika hydrostatics
259 hidrostatis hydrostatic
260 hidu meng-hidu sniff in, inhale.
261 hidung
262 hidung belang lady killer
263 hidup
264 hijau
265 hijriah of the Islam calendar.
266 hikayat
267 hikmah /hikmat/ 1 wisdom, philosophy. 2 magical power. 3 power in general.
268 hikmat blessing
269 hilang
270 hilang akal vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = lose head;lost head;lost head;losing head
271 hilang ingatan out of sensesamnesia
272 hilang lenyap vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = die out;died out;died out;diing out
273 hilap see KHILAF.
274 hilir
275 himar zebra.
276 himbau
277 himne a solemn song, often the antherm of an organization.
278 himpun
279 himpunan
280 hina
281 hina dina beggarly
282 hinaan
283 hindar
284 Hindu
285 hinduisme hinduism
286 hingar noisy. ke-hingar-bingaran boisterousness.
287 hingga
288 hinggap
289 hiperaktif hyperactive
290 hiperbolis hyperbolic
291 hiperon hyperon
292 hiperopia hyperopia
293 hipersonik hypersonic
294 hipersonika hypersonics
295 hipertensi
296 hipnose hypnosis
297 hipnosis n;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = hypnosis;hypnotize;hypnotized;hypnotized;hypnotizing
298 hipnotis
299 hipnotisme
300 hipodermis hypodermichypodermic
301 hipokondria hypochondria
302 hipokrit
303 hipotek mortgage.
304 hipotenusa
305 hipotermia hypothermia
306 hipotesis hypothesis
307 hirap disappear, vanish.
308 hirau
309 hiru-biru see HARU-BIRU.
310 hiru-hara see HURU-HARA.
311 hiruk hiruk-pikuk/piruk tumult, hullabaloo, hurly-burly (of the crowd). ke-hiruk-pirukan racket, noise, din.
312 hiruk pikuk frenzied
313 hirup
314 hisap
315 histeria hysteria
316 histeris
317 historisitas historicity.
318 hit extremely popular.
319 hitam
320 hitam di atas putih in black and white
321 hitam pekat coal black
322 hitam putih black and white
323 hitung
324 hitungan calculation
325 hitungan luar kepala mental arithmetic
326 hobi
327 hoi
328 hokah hookah.
329 hoki
330 hol (Islam) annual, ritual feast to commemorate the dead.
331 holmium holmium
332 homo
333 homofon homophone
334 homogen
335 homogenitas homogeneity
336 homonim
337 homonimi homonymy.
338 homoseks homosexual
339 homoseksual
340 homoseksualitas
341 honor
342 honorarium honorarium
343 honorer 1 honorary. 2 not officially confirmed (in o.'s job) and so paid by stipends not salary.
344 honorifik honorific.
345 hop 1. (Coll.) head, chief. 2. Stop ! Whoah ! (exclamation only).
346 hopbiro (Coll.) central (gvt.) office.
347 hormat
348 hospital hospital.
349 hubungan
350 hubungan dagang commercial relation
351 hubungan darah cognation
352 hubungan hukum contractual terms
353 hubungan keluarga blood relation
354 hubungan masyarakat public relations
355 huh
356 hujan
357 hujan batu hail
358 hujan deras torrential rains
359 hujan gerimis drizzling rain
360 hujan lebat downpourtorrential rains
361 hujan rintik-rintik light rain
362 hukum
363 hukum acara perdata procedure of civil law
364 hukum acara pidana procedure of criminal
365 hukum adat customary law
366 hukum agraria agrarian law
367 hukum alam natural law
368 hukum Coulomb Coulomb law
369 hukum dagang commercial law
370 hukum gereja canon law
371 hukum laut maritime law
372 hukum perkawinan conjugal right
373 hukum pidana criminal law
374 hukum sipil civil law
375 hukum tata negara constitutional law
376 hukuman
377 hukuman gantung sentence to die by hang
378 hukuman kurungan custody
379 hukuman mati capital punishment
380 hukuman penjara imprisonment
381 hulam see ULAM.
382 huler rice huller.
383 hulu
384 hulu kerongkongan pharynx
385 hulubalang 1 commander, war chief. 2 district chief (in Aceh).
386 hulur see ULUR 1.
387 huma 1 field for dry rice cultivation. 2 newly cleared land for agriculture.
388 humaniora the humanities.
389 humanis humanist
390 humanisme
391 humas
392 humbalang see HEMBALANG.
393 humerus humerus
394 humor joke.
395 humoris humorist.
396 humoristis humorous.
397 humus humus
398 hun (China) unit of measure for weight (1/10 tael) or lenght (1/12 inch).
399 huncue (China) tobacco pipe.
400 huni
401 hunian dwelling
402 hunjam stuck, inserted.
403 hunjuk see UNJUK.
404 hunus
405 hura-hura (Sl.) not to be taken seriously.
406 hurah hooray
407 huriah (Sumatra) district.
408 huru-hara
409 huruf
410 huruf balok block letter
411 huruf besar block letters
412 huruf hidup vowel
413 huruf kecil lower case
414 huruf mati consonant
415 huruf miring italics
416 huruf vokal vowel
417 hus hush ! be quiet !
418 Hut (Zod.) Pisces.
419 hutan
420 hutan belantara wilderness
421 hutan lindung protected forest
422 hutan rimba mob rule
423 hutang
424 huyung
425 hurup see HURUF.
426 husus see KHUSUS.
427 hampiran vicinity, neighborhood.
428 hendaknya shall
429 hermaprodit hermaphrodite
430 himpit vb1;vb3 = squeez;squeezed
431 Hassan see HASAN.
432 Hyang tittle of authochthonous or Hindu deity. Wisnu Vishnu.
433 Hildebrand heldebrand
434 Himmah /himmat/ see HEMAT 1,2.
435 Her 1 retake (an exam). 2 makeup exam.
436 Ho oh !
437 Hussain (Islam) grandson of Muh. martyred in religious war. Hussain's and his brother Hassan's deaths are commemorated on asyura.
438 Hong 1. (Sport) home base. 2. earthen pipe for drainage. 3. see BURUNG.
439 Hào (China) filial piety.
440 Harim wife, female members of the family (esp. among those of Arabic descent or educational background).
441 Hura Hooray ! (exclamation of pleasure, delight). ber-hura shout hurrah.
442 Haral see ARAL.
443 Helio helio
444 Hayun see AYUN.
445 hah see HA 2.
446 Habil (Bib.) Abel, o. of Adam's sons.
447 hapak see APAK.
448 hurung see URUNG.
449 haha sound of loughter.
450 hajaran walloping
451 hir vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = born;borned;borned;borning
452 hoho sound of laughter.
453 holan /Hollan/ (Coll.) Netherlands.
454 honda (Coll.) motorcycle.
455 husap see USAP.
456 husuk see KHUSYU.
457 hak gadai lien
458 hak istimewa privilege
459 hak kepemilikan proprietary rights
460 hak mutlak right of property
461 harga dasar base price
462 Hak atas Tanah land right
463 hibah wasiat bequest
464 halangi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = hinder;hindered;hindered;hindering
465 Hongaria
466 hallo hi
467 hampir tidak only just
468 hankam [Pertahanan dan Keamanan] Defense and Security.
469 hari Jumat Friday
470 hari Kamis Thursday
471 hari Minggu Sunday
472 hari Rabu Wednesday
473 hari Sabtu Saturday
474 hari Selasa tuesday
475 hari Senin Monday
476 hari pembayaran day of maturity
477 hati-hati adv;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = neglectless;beware of;bewared of;bewared of;bewaring of
478 hatur see ATUR 2.
479 hembusan blowing
480 hidro hydro
481 hidup dari vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live by;lived by;lived by;living by
482 hilang muka vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = los face;lost face;lost face;losing face
483 hipotik mortgage
484 hirarki
485 histeri hysteria.
486 hitung dagang commercial arithmetic
487 horisontal
488 hubungan cinta love affair
489 habis sama sekali nothing left
490 habiskan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = finish;finished;finished;finishing
491 harapkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = expect;expected;expected;expecting
492 hentak
493 Haiti Haitian
494 Hal: Subject:
495 Hamiltonan Boson Boson Hamiltonian
496 Hamiltonan Dirac Dirac Hamiltonian
497 Hamiltonan Feshbach-Villars Feshbach-Villars Hamiltonian
498 Hamiltonan gayut-waktu time-dependent Hamiltonian
499 Hamiltonan kovarian Hamiltonian covariant
500 Hamiltonan medan berinteraksi interacting fields Hamiltonian
501 Hamiltonan medan elektrik electric field Hamiltonian
502 Hamiltonan medan magnetik magnetic field Hamiltonian
503 Hamiltonan medan rampat general field Hamiltonian
504 Hamiltonan nisbian relativistic Hamiltonian
505 Hamiltonan sesaat instantaneous Hamiltonian
506 Hamiltonan teras core Hamiltonian
507 Hamiltonan Hamiltonian
508 HamiltonanPauli Pauli Hamiltonian
509 Hampiran Born Gelombang Tererot (HBGT) Distorted Wave Born Approximation
510 Hindia Barat West Indies
511 Hindustan Hindustani
512 h) h)
513 h-uris h-bar
514 H.
515 ha. [hektar] hectare.
516 haacih,haaciu see HACIH.
517 haah see HA 2.
518 haak see HAK 3.
519 habelur see HABLUR.
520 haber haber
521 habis melahirkan puerperal
522 habis semuanya all gone
523 habis waktu expiry
524 habisi vb.3 ended
525 habiskan batas waktu vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live out;lived out;lived out;living out
526 habiskan berjam-jam spending hours
527 habiskan mabuk vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = sober up;sobered up;sobered up;sobering up
528 habiskan tenaga vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = fag out;fagged out;fagged out;fagging out
529 habiskan uang vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = burn a hole in pocket;burned a hole in pocket;burned a hole in pocket;burning a hole in pocket
530 habiskan waktu vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = pass the time;passed the time;passed the time;passing the time
531 habisnya ending
532 hablur antiferoelektrik antiferroelectric crystal
533 hablur bukan kubus non-cubic crystals
534 hablur bukan-kubik non-cubic crystals
535 hablur cair liquid crystal
536 hablur campur mixed crystal
537 hablur dwisumbu biaxial crystal
538 hablur ekasumbu uniaxial crystal
539 hablur feroelektrik ferroelectric crystal
540 hablur ganda double crystal
541 hablur gas adi inert gas crystal
542 hablur holohedral holohedral crystal
543 hablur induk mother crystal
544 hablur isomorf isomorphous crystal
545 hablur kovalen covalent crystal
546 hablur kubik cubic crystals
547 hablur kubus cubic crystal
548 hablur lendut flexure crystal
549 hablur luncur menyumbu axial glide crystal
550 hablur membujur longitudinal crystal
551 hablur molekul molecular crystal
552 hablur monoklinik monoclinic crystals
553 hablur negatif negative crystal
554 hablur ortorombik orthorhombic crystals
555 hablur paruh-sudut hemihedral crystal
556 hablur penganalisis analysing crystal
557 hablur penggal-BT BT-cut crystal
558 hablur piezoelektrik piezoelectric crystal
559 hablur positif positive crystal
560 hablur potongan-AT AT-cut crystal
561 hablur taklinear nonlinear crystal
562 hablurbentuk-koin penny-shaped crystal
563 hablurkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = crystallize;crystallized;crystallized;crystallizing
564 hacih /hacing, haciu, hacu / Atchoo ! (sound of a sneeze).
565 had Dirac Dirac limit
566 had Feshbach-Villars Feshbach-Villars limit
567 had kelincahan limitation of mobility
568 had klasik mekanika statistic statistical mechanics classical limit
569 had skala makroskopik macroscopic scale limit
570 hadap ke arah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = look towards;looked towards;looked towards;looking towards
571 hadapi akibatnya vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = run a risk;ran a risk;ran a risk;running a risk
572 hadapi dengan berani vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = face up to;faced up to;faced up to;facing up to
573 hadapi dengan keras vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = handle without gloves;handled without gloves;handled without gloves;handling without gloves
574 hadapi dengan tenang vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = taken coolly;taken coolly;taken coolly;takening coolly
575 hadapi kesusahan dengan gagah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = take the bull by the horns;taked the bull by the horns;taked the bull by the horns;taking the bull by the horns
576 hadapi penuh keberanian vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = face up to;faced up to;faced up to;facing up to
577 hadapi situasi dengan berani vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = put on show a bold front;put on show a bold front;put on show a bold front;putting on show a bold front
578 hadapi tanpa takut vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = face the music;faced the music;faced the music;facing the music
579 hadapi tantangan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = challenge;challenged;challenged;challenging
580 hadapi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = face;faced;faced;facing
581 hadapkan dengan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = confront with;confronted with;confronted with;confronting with
582 hadapkan pada vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = give on to;gave on to;given on to;giving on to
583 hadapkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = confront;confronted;confronted;confronting
584 hadiah Hari Raya Feast day present
585 hadiah Tahun Baru New Year present
586 hadiah penghibur booby prize
587 hadiah perkawinan wedding gift
588 hadiah pertama grand price
589 hadiah uang untuk pembantu Christmas box
590 hadiah uang gratification
591 hadiah yang merugikan si penerima a greek gift
592 hadiahi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = award;awarded;awarded;awarding
593 hadiahkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = present;presented;presented;presenting
594 hadir di mana-mana omnipresent
595 hadiri upacara vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = assist at;assisted at;assisted at;assisting at
596 hadiri vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = attend;attended;attended;attending
597 hadlir see HADIR.
598 hadlirat see HADIRAT.
599 hadlirin see HADIRIN.
600 hadrah 1 (Islam) communal gathering, us. mystical, sometimes including group chanting with tambourine accompaniment. 2 tambourine.
601 hadrat 1 ( Islam) religious gathering. 2 presence.
602 haematif haemative
603 hafalan oleh murid-murid recitation
604 hafalkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = learn by heart;learned by heart;learned by heart;learning by heart
605 hagis haggis
606 hai-alai see HAILAI.
607 hairan see HERAN.
608 haisom (China) k.o. dish made of sea cucumber.
609 haiwan see HEWAN.
610 haiyaa (China) 1 Greetings ! 2 exclamation of disapproval.
611 hajing see HACIH.
612 hajjah see HAJJAH.
613 hak anak sulung right of primogeniture
614 hak anak yang sulung primogeniture
615 hak anak children right
616 hak atas benda-benda tak berwujud right of incorporeal goods
617 hak atas ganti rugi dari barang yang dijual debito redress
618 hak atas kebendaan right of goods
619 hak atas warisan heritable
620 hak azasi human right
621 hak berkunjung right of visit
622 hak berlayar di laut right of innocent passage
623 hak berserikat right of joining association
624 hak dan kebebasan pribadi personality right
625 hak dan kewajiban rights and obligations
626 hak dari belonging of
627 hak kekayaan equity
628 hak kekuasaan pemerintah the prerogative
629 hak kekuasaan legitimacy
630 hak masuk entree
631 hak melayari right of sailing
632 hak membeli kembali repurchase
633 hak membeli lebih dahulu preemption
634 hak membuka tanah eploitation
635 hak memetik picking right
636 hak meminjam right of loan
637 hak mendahului untuk memiliki sesuatu barang right of expropriation
638 hak menerima kembali right of take back
639 hak mengatur yang mempunyai sangsi right of choice
640 hak menggembalakan ternak grazing right
641 hak mengusahakan tanah tenure by long lease
642 hak menolak menjadi saksi right to secrecy
643 hak menuntut balik right of recourse
644 hak menuntut gugur karena lewat waktu statute bared of the right the lawful
645 hak menuntut mutlak right of the absolutly claim
646 hak milik atas sebidang tanah right of ground
647 hak patent patent right
648 hak pemilikan minoritas minority interest
649 hak pemilikan interest
650 hak penahanan lien
651 hak pengendalian milik controlling interest
652 hak penyaluran dealership
653 hak perintah eminent domain
654 hak repudiasi repudiation right
655 hak seseorang personal right
656 hak sewa tanah lease right
657 hak terlindungi All right reserved
658 hak tunggal right of solitary/oneness
659 hak turun temurun right of hereditary
660 hak untuk didahulukan presidence
661 hak untuk tidak the right not to
662 hak utama preference
663 hak yang lebih tinggi precedence
664 hak yang sama equal right
665 hak-hak dan kewajiban rights and obligations
666 hak-hak warga negara civil rights
667 hakekat,hakikat 1 truth, reality. 2 essence.
668 hakikat zalir kosmik nature of cosmic fluid
669 hakim Romawi kuno praetor
670 hakim Romawi pretor
671 hakim anak-anak children's court magistrate
672 hakim pengadilan negeri judge of district court
673 hakim perdamaian justice of the peace
674 hakim pidana criminal judge
675 hakim polisi police justice
676 hakim rendahan lower judge
677 hakim setempat justice of the peace
678 hakimi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = judge;judged;judged;judging
679 hakul-yakin (Lit.) be truly convinced of s.t.
680 hakum Smith-Helmholtz Smith-Helmholtz law
681 hal akan datang futurity
682 hal apapun juga any other single thing
683 hal azas keturunan genetic
684 hal berbungan kembali reflorescence
685 hal berkenaan penggunaan ilmu jiwa psychosomatic
686 hal berpura-pura make belief
687 hal bersatu padu inherence
688 hal buruk yang datang terus it never rains but it pours
689 hal dapat dimengerti intelligibility
690 hal daya tarik bumi gravitational
691 hal hak ekstrateritorial extraterritoriality
692 hal hidup bersama co habitation
693 hal itu that thing
694 hal jawatan cuaca meteorological
695 hal katulistiwa equatorial
696 hal kelenjar glandular
697 hal keluar dari rel derailment
698 hal keuangan fiscal
699 hal kumpul kebo cohabitation
700 hal lain something else
701 hal mana which
702 hal melampaui batas intemperance
703 hal memasak dan makan enak gastronomic
704 hal memberikan kebebasan permissiveness
705 hal membocorkan rahasia divulgence
706 hal meminang courtship
707 hal menetapkan ebelumnya predetermination
708 hal mengerikan harrowing
709 hal mengurangi palliation
710 hal menipiskan rarefaction
711 hal menonjol landmark
712 hal menukik nose dive
713 hal menyenangkan nicety
714 hal meringankan extenuating
715 hal mudah menyebar pervasiveness
716 hal paling tak disukai pet aversion
717 hal pembunuhan famili fratricidal
718 hal pemutaran rotational
719 hal penghisapan inhalation
720 hal penyembuhan recuperative
721 hal peristilahan matter of terminology
722 hal positif positive
723 hal sangat penting crux
724 hal segera terjadi imminence
725 hal sulit untuk ditangani a tough propotion
726 hal sungai es glacial
727 hal tak berguna nothingness
728 hal tak berperikemanusiaan inhumanity
729 hal tak dapat diketahui imperceptibility
730 hal tak dapat dimengerti incomprehensibility
731 hal tak memperhatikan nonobservance
732 hal tak mudah dimengerti intangibility
733 hal tak terbatas infinitude
734 hal tentang pengadilan judicial
735 hal tersebut [the] mentioned
736 hal tidak dapat dimengerti incomprehension
737 hal tidak dapat direbut impregnability
738 hal tidak penting insignificance
739 hal tidak sadar insensibility
740 hal tidak sopan imprudence
741 hal tulang iga costal
742 hal tulang paha femoral
743 hal umum bromide
744 hal urusan dapur culinary
745 hal yang berbahaya riskiness
746 hal yang biasa commonplace
747 hal yang dangkal skin deep
748 hal yang dapat dibandingkan comparability
749 hal yang dapat dicapai acessibility
750 hal yang dapat dipertukarkan interchangeability
751 hal yang dilakukan dengan mudah doddle
752 hal yang kecil whit
753 hal yang masuk akal plausibility
754 hal yang membuat marah infuriation
755 hal yang memenuhi syarat eligibility
756 hal yang menarik piquancy
757 hal yang mengesankan impressiveness
758 hal yang nyata fact
759 hal yang tak dapat dipercaya incredibility
760 hal yang tak dapat ditahan indefensibility
761 hal yang tak terlaksanakan impracticability
762 hal yang tidak menyenangkan a bitter pill
763 hal yang tidak mungkin improbability
764 hal yang tidak penting by-play
765 hal yang tidak selaras a discordant note
766 hal yang umum common features
767 hal-hal baru novelty
768 hal-hal dasar tentang first thing about
769 hal-hal demikian the things
770 hal-hal janin fetal
771 hal-hal keuskupan episcopal
772 hal-hal khusus special things
773 hal-hal lain miscellaneous
774 hal-hal penting important features
775 hal-hal sebagai berikut the followings
776 hal-hal yang anda things you
777 hal-hal yang gaib supernatural
778 hal-hal yang penting the essentials
779 hal-hal yang perlu things required to
780 hal-hal yang sepele trivia
781 hal-hal things
782 hala yang menarik interesting thing
783 halaman buku sebelah kanan recto
784 halaman buku page
785 halaman kuning buku telepon yelllow pages
786 halaman kuning yellow pages
787 halaman menghadap danau lakefront
788 halaman rumah house yard
789 halaman rumput lawn
790 halaman sebaliknya folio
791 halaman sebelah overleaf
792 halang-halangi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = board up;boarded up;boarded up;boarding up
793 halangi jalan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = get in the way;got in the way;got in the way;getting in the way
794 halangi karena hujan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rain out;rained out;rained out;raining out
795 halau dari vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = banish from;banished from;banished from;banishing from
796 half-duplex half-duplexed
797 halida alkali alkali halides
798 haluan kapal prow
799 halus dan rapi sleek
800 halus jalannya smooth-running
801 haluskan bagian tak rata vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = plane away;planed away;planed away;planing away
802 haluskan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = attenuate;attenuated;attenuated;attenuating
803 hama tanaman kapas boll weevil
804 hambakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = slave;slaved;slaved;slaving
805 hambalang a great deal of violence (esp. in reference to martial art films).
806 hambat jangkar armature resistance
807 hambat motivasi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = demotivate;demotivated;demotivated;demotivating
808 hambat pengimbang balancing resistance
809 hambat samar apparent resistance
810 hambatan akustik acoustic resistance
811 hambatan alir flow resistance
812 hambatan ampelas abrasion resistance
813 hambatan antena aerial resistance
814 hambatan bahang heat resistance
815 hambatan bocoran leakage resistance
816 hambatan dakhil internal resistance
817 hambatan efektif effective resistance
818 hambatan elektris electrical resistance
819 hambatan fluida resistance fluid
820 hambatan gesek friction resistance
821 hambatan internal internal resistance
822 hambatan jenis specific resistance
823 hambatan katode cathode resistor
824 hambatan magnetik magnetic resistance
825 hambatan maju forward resistance
826 hambatan mekanis mechanical resistance
827 hambatan negatif negative resistance
828 hambatan pancaran radiation resistance
829 hambatan rayapan creep resistance
830 hambatan sebar basis base spreading resistance
831 hambatan seret drag resistance
832 hambatan setara equivalent resistance
833 hambatan sinaran akustik acoustic-radiation resistance
834 hambung see AMBUNG.
835 hambur-hamburkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = waste on;wasted on;wasted on;wasting on
836 hamburan Bhaba Bhaba scattering
837 hamburan Bragg Bragg scattering
838 hamburan Brillouin Brillouin scattering
839 hamburan Compton Compton scattering
840 hamburan Coulomb berganda multiple Coulomb scattering
841 hamburan Coulomb den penyinar-abaran Coulomb scattering and bremsstrahlung
842 hamburan Coulomb Coulomb scattering
843 hamburan Debye-Jauncey Debye-Jauncey scattering
844 hamburan Delbrueck Delbrueck scattering
845 hamburan Dirac Dirac scattering
846 hamburan Raman Raman scattering
847 hamburan Thomson Thomson scattering
848 hamburan akustik acoustic scattering
849 hamburan antiproton antiproton scattering
850 hamburan antizarah antiparticle scattering
851 hamburan atom anomal anomalous atomic scattering
852 hamburan atom atomic scattering
853 hamburan balik Brillouin Brillouin back scattering
854 hamburan balik back-scattering
855 hamburan batas fonon phonons boundary scattering
856 hamburan batas boundary scattering
857 hamburan baur foton sinar-x x-ray photons diffuse scattering
858 hamburan baur diffuse scattering
859 hamburan berganda multiple scattering
860 hamburan bertukar muatan charge exchange scattering
861 hamburan bola keras hard-sphere scattering
862 hamburan boson-antiboson boson-antiboson scattering
863 hamburan cacat defect scattering
864 hamburan cair liquid scattering
865 hamburan difraksi diffraction scattering
866 hamburan elastik elastic scattering
867 hamburan elektron Coulomb Coulomb electron scattering
868 hamburan elektron berpindah pusa besar large momentum transfer electron scattering
869 hamburan elektron dari zarah Dirac electron scattering from Dirac particle
870 hamburan elektron-elektron electron-electron scattering
871 hamburan elektron-positron electron-positron scattering
872 hamburan elektron electron scattering
873 hamburan fonon-tunggal one-phonon scattering
874 hamburan fonon phonon scattering
875 hamburan ganda double scattering
876 hamburan isotropik isotropic scattering
877 hamburan janggal anomalous scattering
878 hamburan kekisi lattice scattering
879 hamburan klasik classical scattering
880 hamburan koheren coherent scattering
881 hamburan lenting majemuk compound elastic scattering
882 hamburan lenting elastic scattering
883 hamburan magnetik genting critical magnetic scattering
884 hamburan majemuk multiple scattering
885 hamburan maju forward scattering
886 hamburan neutron lenting elastic neutron scattering
887 hamburan neutron-neutron neutron-neutron scattering
888 hamburan neutron-proton neutron-proton scattering
889 hamburan neutron neutron scattering
890 hamburan pertukaran mnatan charge-exchange scattering
891 hamburan potensial potential scattering
892 hamburan proton lenting elastic proton scattering
893 hamburan renting majemuk compound elastic scattering
894 hamburan resonans resonance scattering
895 hamburan sederap coherent scattering
896 hamburan setangkup boson boson symmetric scattering
897 hamburan takelastik inelastic scattering
898 hamburan takkoheren incoherent scattering
899 hamburan taklenting mendalam deep inelastic scattering
900 hamburan taklenting neutron inelastic scattering of neutrons
901 hamburan taklenting inelastic scattering
902 hamburan takmurnian impurity scattering
903 hamburan taksederap incoherent scattering
904 hamburan tenaga rendah low energy scattering
905 hamburan tenaga tinggi high-energy scattering
906 hamburan tingkat-rendah low-order scattering
907 hamburan zarah alfa alpha particle scattering
908 hamburan-Compton pion Compton scattering of pions
909 hamburan-Coulomb electron Coulomb scattering of electrons
910 hamburan-Coulomb pion Coulomb scattering of pions
911 hamburan-Coulomb positron Coulomb scattering of positrons
912 hamburkan waktu vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dream away;dreamt away;dreamt away;dreaming away
913 hamburkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = intersperse;interspersed;interspersed;interspersing
914 hamiltonan elektron-N N-electron hamiltonian
915 hamiltonan interaksi interaction hamiltonian
916 hampa udara mutlak absolute vacuum
917 hampa ultra tinggi ultra-high vacuum
918 hampai see AMPAI 1.
919 hampakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dismay;dismayed;dismayed;dismaying
920 hamparan rumput turf
921 hampari vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = carpet;carpeted;carpeted;carpeting
922 hampedal see EMPEDAL.
923 hampir berbuat itu bagi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = almost do that to;almosted do that to;almosted do that to;almosting do that to
924 hampir berbuat itu vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = almost do that;almosted do that;almosted do that;almosting do that
925 hampir berhasil mengejar hot on trail
926 hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa it is almost certain that
927 hampir bisa dipastikan almost certainly
928 hampir celaka almost fatal
929 hampir jatuh lose balance
930 hampir kalah squeak through
931 hampir kehabisan uang in dead low water
932 hampir kena near miss
933 hampir mabuk halfshot
934 hampir mati at the point of death
935 hampir pasti most certainly
936 hampir saja almost
937 hampir sama much the same to
938 hampir sampai closed to
939 hampir semua most of all
940 hampir semuanya almost everything
941 hampir setiap kali mostly
942 hampir tak berubah equable
943 hampir terkena celaka narrow escape
944 hampir tidak ada sesuatu little or nothing
945 hampir tidak ada next to nothing
946 hampir tidak berguna lagi on its last legs
947 hampir tidak mempunyai be pressed for
948 hampir tidak mungkin near enough impossible
949 hampir tidak pernah seldom
950 hampiran Born-Oppenheimer Born-Oppenheimer approximation
951 hampiran Born Born approximation
952 hampiran Boussinesq Boussinesq approximation
953 hampiran Bragg-William Bragg-William approximation
954 hampiran Debye Debye approximation
955 hampiran Hartree-Fock Hartree-Fock approximation
956 hampiran Mhd Mhd approximation
957 hampiran Newton dalam medan gravitasi Newtonian approximation in a gravitational field
958 hampiran Pauli Pauli approximation
959 hampiran T3 Debye Debye T3 approximation
960 hampiran adiabatik adiabatic approximation
961 hampiran akustik linear linear acoustic approximation
962 hampiran akustik acoustic approximation
963 hampiran dwikutub elektrik electric dipole approximation
964 hampiran dwikutub dipole approximation
965 hampiran eikonal eikonal approximation
966 hampiran elektron takgayut independent electron approximation
967 hampiran elektrostatik electrostatic approximation
968 hampiran garis linear approximation
969 hampiran hiperjalin hypernetted-chain approximation
970 hampiran ikatan ketat tight binding approximation
971 hampiran ikatan longgar light-binding approximation
972 hampiran medan memusat central-field approximation
973 hampiran riak-gelombang panjang long wavelength approximation
974 hampiran runjung conical approximation
975 hampiran sferis purata mean spherical approximation
976 hancur berantakan shot to pieces
977 hancur berkeping-keping vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = asunder;asundered;asundered;asundering
978 hancur meleleh vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = melt away;melted away;melted away;melting away
979 hancur menjadi kepingan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = come apart;came apart;came apart;coming apart
980 hancur musnah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = go to sticks and staves;gone to sticks and staves;gone to sticks and staves;going to sticks and staves
981 hancur rusak vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = gone to pot;went to pot;gone to pot;goning to pot
982 hancur sendiri vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = break by itself;broke by itself;broken by itself;breaking by itself
983 hancurkan berkeping vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = blow to bits;blew to bits;blown to bits;blowing to bits
984 hancurkan hati heart rending
985 hancurkan leburkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = moulder;mouldered;mouldered;mouldering
986 hancurkan sama sekali vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = smash up;smashed up;smashed up;smashing up
987 hancurkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = break;broke;broken;breaking
988 hancurnya destruction of
989 handalan mainstay
990 handalkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rely on;relied on;relied on;relying on
991 handikap (Sport) handicap.
992 handuk kecil face towel
993 handuk tangan hand towel
994 hangat-hangat kuku lukewarm
995 hangatkan tubuh vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = warm up;warmed up;warmed up;warming up
996 hanguskan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = scorch;scorched;scorched;scorching
997 hanjut meng-hanjut hit s.o., crush s.o.
998 hannibal hannibal
999 hanra [Pertahanan Rakyat] lower level civilian defense units.
1000 hansip
1001 hantaran atas aerial contact line
1002 hantaran bahang conduction of heat
1003 hantaran cacat defect conduction
1004 hantaran ekses excess conduction
1005 hantaran elektrik electrical conduction
1006 hantaran elektron electron conduction
1007 hantaran ionik ionic conduction
1008 hantaran jenis specific conduction
1009 hantaran kental viscous conductance
1010 hantaran medan tinggi high field conduction
1011 hantaran meloncat hopping conduction
1012 hantaran molekular molecular conductance
1013 hantaran pipe conductance of pipe
1014 hantaran termal thermal conductance
1015 hantarkan send
1016 hantu Landau Landau ghost
1017 hantui adv;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = obsessive;haunt;haunted;haunted;haunting
1018 hanya ada there's only
1019 hanya akan will only
1020 hanya berlawanan just the other way
1021 hanya bermain-main in jest
1022 hanya boleh shall onlyshould only
1023 hanya dapat can only
1024 hanya digunakan di vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = use only at;used only at;used only at;using only at
1025 hanya fiksi a work of fiction
1026 hanya ingin untuk just want to
1027 hanya karena just because
1028 hanya kurang beruntung just not lucky
1029 hanya membawa just getting
1030 hanya membuat vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = make only;made only;made only;making only
1031 hanya mengenakan kaos in one's shirt-sleeves
1032 hanya sebentar only a moment
1033 hanya sedikit scantyonly a few
1034 hanya sekali for once
1035 hanya sekedar just
1036 hanya untuk anggota closed shop
1037 hanya untuk just for
1038 hanyir see ANYIR.
1039 hanyntan gravitasi gravitational drift
1040 hanyut ke darat vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = wash ashore;washed ashore;washed ashore;washing ashore
1041 hanyutan (E X B) elektrik electric (E x B) drift
1042 hanyutan Stokes Stokes drift
1043 hanyutan diamagnetik diamagnetic drift
1044 hanyutan gradien B grad B drift
1045 hanyutan kelengkungan curvature drift
1046 hanyutan medan elektrik electric field drift
1047 hanyutan pembawa carrier drift
1048 hanyutan drift
1049 hanyutanzarah particle drift
1050 hapalan recitative
1051 hapermot see HAVERMUT.
1052 hapus bertahap vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = phase out;phased out;phased out;phasing out
1053 hapus hak pilih vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = disfranchise;disfranchised;disfranchised;disfranchising
1054 hapus kabut kaca mobil vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = demisted;demisted;demisted;demisting
1055 hapus rekaman vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = break records;broke records;broken records;breaking records
1056 hapuskan perbedaan suku vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = desegregate;desegregated;desegregated;desegregating
1057 hapuskan setahap demi setahap vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = phase out;phased out;phased out;phasing out
1058 hapuskan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = abolish;abolished;abolished;abolishing
1059 harakah,harakat wowel (in Arabic grammar).
1060 haramjadah /haramzadah/ illegitimate (child).
1061 harangaso (Sunda) k.o. tuber.
1062 harap agar vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = expect that;expected that;expected that;expecting that
1063 harap mendapat warisan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = wait for dead men's shoes;waited for dead men's shoes;waited for dead men's shoes;waiting for dead men's shoes
1064 harap perhatian attention please
1065 harap tenang quite please
1066 harap yang tak mungkin vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = get blood from stone;got blood from stone;got blood from stone;getting blood from stone
1067 harapan baik augur well
1068 harapan buruk augur ill
1069 harapan fisi teriterasi iterated fission expectation
1070 harapan untuk berhasil chance of success
1071 harapiah see HARFIAH.
1072 harapkan adanya vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = expect;expected;expected;expecting
1073 harapkan bahwa vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = expect that;expected that;expected that;expecting that
1074 harapkan keberuntungan hoping to become lucky
1075 harasia (Sl.) see RAHASIA.
1076 harbor,hardbord beaverboard, hardboard.
1077 hard-disk hard-disk
1078 harga bursa saham stock market price
1079 harga dari penjual asking price
1080 harga di pasar market price
1081 harga di pasaran market price
1082 harga ditempat spot price
1083 harga eceran tertinggi retail price
1084 harga faktur invoice value
1085 harga jual yang dianjurkan listprice
1086 harga moneter bersih monetary net
1087 harga pada biaya rata-rata average-cost price
1088 harga pasar dari sebuah investasi mean price
1089 harga pasti set pricefixed price
1090 harga patokan fixation of prices
1091 harga penarikan call price
1092 harga perolehan historis historical cost accounting
1093 harga pokok penjualan rata-rata per hari average daily cost of sales
1094 harga pokok penjualan variabel cost variable
1095 harga sampai di atas kapal fob (free on board)
1096 harga sampai di atas kereta api for (free on railway)
1097 harga sampai di atas pesawat fop (free on plane)
1098 harga sangat melawan cut prices
1099 harga satuan unit price
1100 harga sebenarnya at cost
1101 harga tanah land price
1102 harga taruhan awal pacuan starting price
1103 harga tiket ticket price
1104 harga tinggi a stiff price
1105 harga transaksi transfer price
1106 harga umum flat rate
1107 harga yang paling tinggi top dollar
1108 harga yang sebenarnya actual cost
1109 harga-permintaan price-demand
1110 hargai rendah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = undervalue;undervalued;undervalued;undervaluing
1111 hargai usulan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = take point;took point;taken point;taking point
1112 hari Minggu kedua Paskah passion Sunday
1113 hari Paskah Easter
1114 hari bahagia happy day
1115 hari bayaran payday
1116 hari berkabung solemnity day
1117 hari berlabuh lay day
1118 hari demi hari day in day out
1119 hari itu juga that very day
1120 hari itu that day
1121 hari kalender calender day
1122 hari kebangkitan Isa A lmasih Easter
1123 hari kebangkitan nasional national resurrection day
1124 hari kebangkitan resurrection day
1125 hari kerja setelah minggu blue monday
1126 hari lamanya days
1127 hari latihan militer field day
1128 hari lelang day of sale
1129 hari libur resmi bank bank holiday
1130 hari mencuci washday
1131 hari natal yang banyak saljunya white christmas
1132 hari pembalasan day of reckoning
1133 hari pembelian day of purchase
1134 hari pemungutan suara pollingday
1135 hari penamatan graduation day
1136 hari pengumpulan baju bekas rag-day
1137 hari penting red-letter day
1138 hari penundaan days of grace
1139 hari penyelesaian hutang piutang settlement day
1140 hari perhitungan settlement
1141 hari perkawinan hari perkawinan
1142 hari pesta besar gala day
1143 hari proklamasi proclamation day
1144 hari putusan perkara court day
1145 hari sibuk full day
1146 hari sidang court day
1147 hari suci holy day
1148 hari sudah malam it is already night
1149 hari ultah anniversary
1150 hari yang amat panas scorcher
1151 hari-H date-D
1152 hari-hari Pantekosta whitsuntide
1153 hari-hari baik dan hari-hari malang good days and bad days
1154 hari-hari baik good days
1155 hari-hari jelek bad days
1156 hari-hari libur days off
1157 hari-hari mendatang the coming days
1158 hari-hari muat dan bongkar lay-days
1159 harilahir birthday
1160 harimau Amerika jaguar
1161 harimau betina tigress
1162 harimau tutul lynx
1163 harmoni pertama first harmonic
1164 harmonic harmonic
1165 harmonik ketiga third harmonic
1166 harmonik-harmonik genap dan gasal even and odd harmonics
1167 harmonika mulut mouth organ
1168 harta benda kekayaan property
1169 harta benda warisan heritage
1170 harta bendanya murah go by the beggar's bush
1171 harta berwujud tangible assets
1172 harta lain other assets
1173 harta lancar lainnya other current asset
1174 harta lancar netto net current asset
1175 harta lancar liquid asset
1176 harta rampasan booty
1177 harta susut wasting asset
1178 harta tak bergerak realty
1179 harta tak bertuan treasure with ownerless
1180 harta tak berwujud intangible assets
1181 harta temuan treasure-trove
1182 harta terpendam yang didapati treasure trove
1183 harta terpendam burried treasure
1184 harta tetap lainnya other fixed asset
1185 harta untuk isteri jointure
1186 harta warisan heritage
1187 haru tutupan jual beli saham trade setlement
1188 haru-biru see HARU.
1189 harukan adv;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = heartwarming;touch;tounched;touched;touching
1190 harum nama well reputed
1191 harum semerbak fragrance
1192 harum semerbaknya fragrance
1193 harus ada there must be
1194 harus berbuat apa what to do
1195 harus berbuat in for
1196 harus bisa should be able to
1197 harus dibuktikan burden of proof
1198 harus didahulukan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = have precedence over;had precedence over;had precedence over;having precedence over
1199 harus dilakukan hanya dalam should only be done in
1200 harus dilakukan must be done
1201 harus ditaati peremptory
1202 harus jelas bahwa vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = should be obvious that;shoulded be obvious that;shoulded be obvious that;shoulding be obvious that
1203 harus jelas benar be absolutely clear
1204 harus jelas tentang be specific in
1205 harus jelas be clear
1206 harus lebih dulu had to
1207 harus pula must also
1208 harus sudah should have
1209 haruslah bukan karena should not because of
1210 hasa (Ambon) sail along the shore.
1211 hash total hash total
1212 hasiat see KHASIAT.
1213 hasil ahhir end product
1214 hasil akhir apa yang what the end result is
1215 hasil akhir end result
1216 hasil alam natural product
1217 hasil bakteri bacterial
1218 hasil belah-inti fission product
1219 hasil buatan artistic production
1220 hasil bumi diperdagangkan cash crop
1221 hasil cetakan printed material
1222 hasil darab np np product
1223 hasil diagnosa diagnosis
1224 hasil dividen per-saham yield on con stock dividend
1225 hasil evaluasi kami atas the result of our evaluation to
1226 hasil fisi primer primary fission product
1227 hasil guna effectiveness
1228 hasil jatuh tempo yield to maturity
1229 hasil karcis masuk gate receipts
1230 hasil karya besar chefd'oeuvre
1231 hasil kemenangan winnings
1232 hasil kilat quickie
1233 hasil kosong sama sekali zero result
1234 hasil laut marine product
1235 hasil lewatan tanur furnace throughput
1236 hasil pabrik susu dairy produk
1237 hasil pekerjaan tangan tooled
1238 hasil pembelahan fission product
1239 hasil penjualan sales revenue
1240 hasil penyulingan distillate
1241 hasil perkawinan kerabat inbred
1242 hasil perkebunan plantation product
1243 hasil pertama first fruits
1244 hasil pertanian agricultural produce
1245 hasil print komputer printout
1246 hasil rerasan radioaktif radioactive decay product
1247 hasil rerasan decay product
1248 hasil tahunan annual return
1249 hasil tangkapan haul
1250 hasil tersebut the result
1251 hasil yang dimurnikan raffinate
1252 hasil yang kurang bagus poor result
1253 hasil yang mengecewakan much cry and little wool
1254 hasil yang terukur quantified result
1255 hasil-hasil pickings
1256 hasil-kali normal rampat generalized normal product
1257 hasilkan banyak uang vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = make a million;made a million;made a million;making a million
1258 hasilkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = yield;yielded;yielded;yielding
1259 hasis hashish
1260 hastakarya 1 handicrafts. 2 (Sl.) petting.
1261 hati murung low spirits
1262 hati sedih a heavy heart
1263 hati tersayat broken heart
1264 hati yang riang a light heart
1265 hati-hati terhadap vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = watch out for;watched out for;watched out for;watching out for
1266 hatrik hattrick
1267 hatsil see HASIL.
1268 hattsiiii atishoo
1269 haturkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = submit;submited;submited;submiting
1270 haus darah blood thirsty
1271 hawa dingin cool-air
1272 hawa udara atmospheric air
1273 hawa-nafsu carnal desire, lust.
1274 hawai,hawaian Hawaiian-style music.
1275 hawanafsu carnal lusts
1276 hawatir see KUATIR.
1277 hawe see AWE.
1278 hayal see KHAYAL.
1279 hee (Coll.) uh huh, yes.
1280 heeh see HA 2.
1281 heehm see EHM 1.
1282 helai kopi copy of
1283 helaian emas gold leaf
1284 helak ber-helak be wafted or lifted back (of long things, whips, etc.).
1285 heleng meng-heleng turn, look.
1286 helenistik Hellenistic
1287 heli [helikopter] helicopter.
1288 helimagnet mengerucut conical helimagnet
1289 helimagnetisme helimagnetism
1290 heliograp heliograph
1291 helioscop helioscope
1292 heliosentris heliocentric
1293 heliostat heliostate
1294 heliostrop heliostrope
1295 helisitas helicity
1296 helium adizalir superfluid helium
1297 helium cair liquid helium
1298 helium zair liquid helium
1299 helm penyelamat safety helmet
1300 helm udara air-helmet
1301 helo hello
1302 hemat biaya vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = cost effective;costed effective;costed effective;costing effective
1303 hemat pekerjaan labour-saving
1304 hemat sendiri vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = stint one's self;stinted one's self;stinted one's self;stinting one's self
1305 hematkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = save of;saved of;saved of;saving of
1306 hembusan keras gust
1307 hembusan nafas penghabisan death
1308 hembusan nafas gasp
1309 hembuskan nafas terakhir vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = breathe last;breathed last;breathed last;breathing last
1310 hembuskan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = exhale;exhaled;exhaled;exhaling
1311 hemihedritas hemihedrity
1312 hemong (Sl.) homo, male homosexual.
1313 hempang see EMPANG.
1314 hempasan ombak breaker
1315 hempaskan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dash down;dashed down;dashed down;dashing down
1316 hempel hempel
1317 hempes see HIMPIT.
1318 hena hyena
1319 hendak ke going to
1320 hendaki vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = want;wanted;wanted;wanting
1321 hendaknya lebih shall be more
1322 hendaknya tidak should not
1323 hendam-karam destroyed, wiped out.
1324 hendap see ENDAP 1.
1325 hengah see ENGA 2.
1326 hentak-balik vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = recoil;recoiled;recoiled;recoiling
1327 hentak-hentak vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = jolt;jolted;jolted;jolting
1328 hentak-hentakkan kaki vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = beat the devil's tattoo;beaten the devil's tattoo;beaten the devil's tattoo;beating the devil's tattoo
1329 hentak-ulang drop- along
1330 hentakan balik recoil
1331 hentakan kaki stomping
1332 hentakan pounding
1333 hentakkan kaki vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = stomp;stomped;stomped;stomping
1334 hentakkan kuat-kuat vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = stomp;stomped;stomped;stomping
1335 hentam meng-hentam-kan stamp (the foot). hentam-an 1 foot stamping. 2 big explosion.
1336 hentikan dekat pada vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = bring to;brought to;brought to;bringing to
1337 hentikan dulu quit that
1338 hentikan kapal vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = put a ship in stays;puted a ship in stays;puted a ship in stays;puting a ship in stays
1339 hentikan kebiasaan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = kick a habit;kicked a habit;kicked a habit;kicking a habit
1340 hentikan kekacauan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = read the Riot Act;red the Riot Act;red the Riot Act;reading the Riot Act
1341 hentikan motor tanpa sengaja vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = stall a motor;stalled a motor;stalled a motor;stalling a motor
1342 hentikan pembicara vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = call a speaker to order;called a speaker to order;called a speaker to order;calling a speaker to order
1343 hentikan pembicaraan dengan kasar vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = snap nose off;snaped nose off;snaped nose off;snaping nose off
1344 hentikan sama sekali vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = stock still;stocked still;stocked still;stocking still
1345 hentikan sebentar vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = paus;paused;paused;pausing
1346 hentikan tembakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = cease fire;ceased fire;ceased fire;ceasing fire
1347 hentikan tiba-tiba vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = brought up short;brought up short;brought up short;broughting up short
1348 hentikan untuk vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = stopp for;stopped for;stopped for;stopping for
1349 hentikan usaha vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = call it quits;called it quits;called it quits;calling it quits
1350 hentikan adv;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = cut it out;discontinue;discontinued;discontinued;discontinuing
1351 henyak see ENYAK.
1352 heran betul for a wonder
1353 herankan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = surprise;surprised;surprised;surprising
1354 herbal herb
1355 herdislokasi re-dislocation (of shoulder, etc.).
1356 hereng see ERENG.
1357 herik see ERIK.
1358 herot see EROT 1.
1359 herpolod herpolhode
1360 hert,herrt sound of s.t. being ripped.
1361 herts hertz
1362 heterostatik heterostatic
1363 hewan bertulang belakang vertebrate
1364 hewan hidup live animal
1365 hewan pemakan bangkai beast of prey
1366 hewan tak bertulang bel arthropod
1367 hewan tak bertulang punggung invertebrate
1368 hias dengan permata vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = bejewel;bejeweled;bejeweled;bejeweling
1369 hiasan dari benang emas filigree
1370 hiasan dari kayu tipis marquetry
1371 hiasan di depan baju jabot
1372 hiasan kepala headdress
1373 hiasan seperti kerangka ikan haring herringbone
1374 hiasan tubuh personal ornament
1375 hiasan tulisan tangan curlicue
1376 hiasan untuk pakaian openwork
1377 hiasan yang dibuat mesin tooling
1378 hiasan yang menyolok gaud
1379 hiasan-hiasan trappings
1380 hiasi dengan rancangan yang timbul vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = emboss;embossed;embossed;embossing
1381 hiasi dengan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dott with;dotted with;dotted with;dotting with
1382 hiasi kembang vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = flower;flowered;flowered;flowering
1383 hiasi lagi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = redecorate;redecorated;redecorated;redecorating
1384 hiasi permata vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = bejewel;bejeweled;bejeweled;bejeweling
1385 hiasi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = decorate;decorated;decorated;decorating
1386 hiba see IBA.
1387 hibahkan present
1388 hiburan tidak menyenangkan cold comfort
1389 hiburan yang dibayar sendiri Dutch treath
1390 hidam see IDAM.
1391 hidangan istimewa a good table
1392 hidangan khusus specific service
1393 hidangan utama entree
1394 hidangan yang dihangatkan rechuffe
1395 hidangkan makanan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = set the table;set the table;set the table;setting the table
1396 hidangkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = serve;served;served;serving
1397 hidap see IDAP.
1398 hidmat see KHIDMAT.
1399 hidran hydrant
1400 hidrodinamik hydrodynamic
1401 hidroelektrik hydroelectric
1402 hidrofan hydrophane
1403 hidrofebia hydrophobia
1404 hidrofluor hydrofluoric
1405 hidrofon cakram disc hydrophone
1406 hidrofon keramik ceramic hydrophore
1407 hidrofon magnetostriktif magnetostrictive hydrophore
1408 hidrofon silindris cylindrical hydrophone
1409 hidrofotometer hydrophotometer
1410 hidrogenperalihan fase phase transition hydrogen
1411 hidrografis hydrographic
1412 hidrograph hydrograph
1413 hidrokinematika hydrokinematics
1414 hidrokinetika hydrokinetics
1415 hidroklorik hydrochloric
1416 hidrolik
1417 hidrolistrik hydroelectric.
1418 hidrolitis hydrolytic
1419 hidrologis hydrological.
1420 hidromagnetik hydromagnetic
1421 hidromagnetika hydromagnetic
1422 hidrosein hydrosein
1423 hidrosulfid hydrosulfide
1424 hidrosulfit natrium hydrosulfite
1425 hidrotehnik hydrotechnics
1426 hidup bagai orang desa rusticate
1427 hidup bersama tanpa kawin concubine
1428 hidup bersama vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = coexist;coexisted;coexisted;coexisting
1429 hidup bertenggang rasa vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live with a compromise;lived with a compromise;lived with a compromise;living with a compromise
1430 hidup dalam angan-angan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live in fools paradise;lived in fools paradise;lived in fools paradise;living in fools paradise
1431 hidup dalam bahaya vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live on the edge of volcano;lived on the edge of volcano;lived on the edge of volcano;living on the edge of volcano
1432 hidup dalam batas kemampuan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live within means;lived within means;lived within means;living within means
1433 hidup dalam vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live in;lived in;lived in;living in
1434 hidup dari mencuri vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live on the cross;lived on the cross;lived on the cross;living on the cross
1435 hidup dari tumbuhan herbivorous
1436 hidup dengan mewah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live of the fat of the land;lived of the fat of the land;lived of the fat of the land;living of the fat of the land
1437 hidup dengan saleh God-fearing
1438 hidup di bawah bayangan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live under the shadow of;lived under the shadow of;lived under the shadow of;living under the shadow of
1439 hidup di luar kemampuan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live beyond means;lived beyond means;lived beyond means;living beyond means
1440 hidup dibiayai orang lain vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = sponge on another;sponged on another;sponged on another;sponging on another
1441 hidup foya-foya sewaktu muda vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = show wild oats;showed wild oats;showed wild oats;showing wild oats
1442 hidup kembali n;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = resurrecting;come to life;came to life;came to life;coming to life
1443 hidup manusia human life
1444 hidup melarat vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = life of hand to mouth;lifed of hand to mouth;lifed of hand to mouth;lifing of hand to mouth
1445 hidup membujang celibate
1446 hidup merana living death
1447 hidup mewah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live high;lived high;lived high;living high
1448 hidup murni clean living
1449 hidup pada waktu sama vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = coexist;coexisted;coexisted;coexisting
1450 hidup penuh pertengkaran a cat and dog life
1451 hidup pribadi atau bisnis private or business life
1452 hidup rumah tangga home life
1453 hidup sangat mewah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live in clover;lived in clover;lived in clover;living in clover
1454 hidup sebagai penduduk asli vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = go native;went native;gone native;going native
1455 hidup sebagai vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live as;lived as;lived as;living as
1456 hidup sebatang kara vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = have neither kith nor kin;had neither kith nor kin;had neither kith nor kin;having neither kith nor kin
1457 hidup seperti tumbuhan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = vegetate;vegetated;vegetated;vegetating
1458 hidup sesuai dengan reputasi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live up to reputation;lived up to reputation;lived up to reputation;living up to reputation
1459 hidup sesuai kemampuan sendiri vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = live within means;lived within means;lived within means;living within means
1460 hidup teratur setelah menikah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = marry and settled down;married and settled down;married and settled down;marriing and settled down
1461 hidup teratur setelah nikah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = marry and settle down;married and settle down;married and settle down;marrying and settle down
1462 hidup terus vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = stay alive;stayed alive;stayed alive;staying alive
1463 hidup-hidupkan widen issue
1464 hidupkan kembali vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = reanimate;reanimated;reanimated;reanimating
1465 hidupkan semangat vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = pep up;pepped up;pepped up;pepping up
1466 high-level language high-level language
1467 high-level high-level
1468 higroskopik hygroscopic
1469 hijau kebiruan aquamarine
1470 hijau kekuningan chartreuse
1471 hijau laut sea-green
1472 hijaukan engreen
1473 hikwan (China) fish balls.
1474 hilang absorpsi absorption loss
1475 hilang atau rusak losed or damaged
1476 hilang dari ingatan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = slip mind;sliped mind;sliped mind;sliping mind
1477 hilang dari udara off the air
1478 hilang kesabaran mereka vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = blow their stack;blew their stack;blown their stack;blowing their stack
1479 hilang kesanggupan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = lose touch;lost touch;lost touch;losing touch
1480 hilang keseimbangan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = lose balance;lost balance;lost balance;losing balance
1481 hilang kontrol karena marah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = see red;saw red;see red;seing red
1482 hilang pendengaran hearing loss
1483 hilang rasa malu vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = come out of shell;comed out of shell;comed out of shell;coming out of shell
1484 hilang secara berangsur vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rust away;rusted away;rusted away;rusting away
1485 hilang-data dropout
1486 hilangkan bau vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = deodorize;deodorized;deodorized;deodorizing
1487 hilangkan dengan perlahan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rust away;rusted away;rusted away;rusting away
1488 hilangkan hak kebangsaan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = denationalize;denationalized;denationalized;denationalizing
1489 hilangkan hak kebangsaannya vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = denationalize;denationalized;denationalized;denationalizing
1490 hilangkan lembab vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = dehumidify;dehumidified;dehumidified;dehumidifying
1491 hilangkan noda vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = wash out of;washed out of;washed out of;washing out of
1492 hilangkan perbedaan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = bridge the gap;bridged the gap;bridged the gap;bridging the gap
1493 hilangkan rambut vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = depilate;depilated;depilated;depilating
1494 hilangkan semangat vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = demoralize;demoralized;demoralized;demoralizing
1495 hilangkan warna vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = decolorize;decolorized;decolorized;decolorizing
1496 hilangkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = eliminate;eliminated;eliminated;eliminating
1497 hilangnya keuntungan loss of profit
1498 hilangnya secara dramatis dramatic loss of
1499 hilangnya loss of
1500 hilat see HELAH.
1501 hilbert hilbert
1502 hilir-mudik go to and from
1503 hiliran fistula
1504 himbauan urge
1505 himpitan
1506 himpunan bersama coset
1507 himpunan lengkap complete set
1508 himpunan penjahat terkenal rogue's gallery
1509 himpunan penyayang binatang s.p.c.a.
1510 himpunkan adv;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = accumulative;accumulate;accumulated;accumulated;accumulating
1511 hina Tuhan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = blaspheme;blasphemed;blasphemed;blaspheming
1512 hinaan dengan perbuatan disdain by doing
1513 hinai see INAI.
1514 hinakan adv;vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = scornful;scorn;scorned;scorned;scorning
1515 hindar agar tidak sakit hati vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = save skin;saved skin;saved skin;saving skin
1516 hindar dari vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = duck out;ducked out;ducked out;ducking out
1517 hindar tanggung jawab vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = buck passing;bucked passing;bucked passing;bucking passing
1518 hindari menjauhi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = steer clear of;steered clear of;steered clear of;steering clear of
1519 hindari kewajiban vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = pass the buck;passed the buck;passed the buck;passing the buck
1520 hindari pemeriksaan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = decontrol;decontrolled;decontrolled;decontrolling
1521 hindari perhatian umum vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = keep in the background;kept in the background;kept in the background;keeping in the background
1522 hindari pertemuan dengan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = fight shy off;fought shy off;fought shy off;fighting shy off
1523 hindari tagihan utang vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = hog the twig;hogged the twig;hogged the twig;hogging the twig
1524 hindari vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = avoid;avoided;avoided;avoiding
1525 hinduisasi hinduization.
1526 hingar bingar freneticoutcry
1527 hingar-bingar noisy
1528 hingga begitu to such a degree
1529 hingga di sini up here
1530 hingga kini up to now
1531 hingga sampai till
1532 hingga sebanyak till
1533 hingga sebesar till
1534 hingga sekarang until now
1535 hingga seluas till
1536 hingga suatu tingkat in a degree
1537 hinggap di vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = descend upon;descended upon;descended upon;descending upon
1538 hinggapi penyakit vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = affect with;affected with;affected with;affecting with
1539 hinggapi vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = light upon;lighted upon;lighted upon;lighting upon
1540 hintai see INTAI.
1541 hiper hyper
1542 hiperbola hyperbola
1543 hiperbole hyperbole.
1544 hiperbolic hyperbolic
1545 hiperbolisme
1546 hiperboloid hyperboloid
1547 hiperinti hypernuclei
1548 hipermuatan hypercharge
1549 hiperon lambda lambda hyperon
1550 hiperon omega minus omega minus hyperon
1551 hiperon riam cascade hyperon
1552 hipi hippie
1553 hipis 1 young Western traveler on a low budget. 2 a style of Western-influenced grooming characterized by unkempt hair and clothing.
1554 hipmi [Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia] Indonesian Association of Young Businessmen.
1555 hipnotik hypnotichypnotic
1556 hipnotisir meng-hipnotisir hypnotize.
1557 hipobromit hypobromite
1558 hipokaus hypocaoust
1559 hipoklorit hypochlorite
1560 hipokondriak hypochondriac
1561 hipokrasi hypocrisy.
1562 hiposenter hypocenter
1563 hiposikloida hypocyloid
1564 hipotea /hipotesis/ hypothesis.
1565 hipotenus hypotenuse
1566 hipotermal hypothermal
1567 hipotesa hypothesizing
1568 hipotesakan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = hypothesize;hypothesized;hypothesized;hypothesizing
1569 hipotese hypothese
1570 hipotesis Airy Airy hypothesis
1571 hipotesis Avogadro Avogadro hypothesis
1572 hipotesis Larmor Larmor's hypothesis
1573 hipotesis adiabatik adiabatic hypothesis
1574 hipotesis arus vektor kekal lepto leptons conserved vector current hypothesisi
1575 hipotesis arus vektor kekal conserved vector current hypothesis
1576 hipotesis boson antara intermediate boson hypothesis
1577 hipotesis emisi emission hypothesis
1578 hipotesis ergodik ergodic hypothesis
1579 hipotesis eter ether hypothesis
1580 hipotesis foton Einstein Einstein photon hypothesis
1581 hipotesis neutrino neutrino hypothesis
1582 hipotesis penyusutan contraction hypothesis
1583 hipotesis pesona charm hypothesis
1584 hipotik kedua second mortgage
1585 hipotik pertama first mortgage
1586 hipuk see IPUK.
1587 hirarkis
1588 hiraukan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = bother;bothered;bothered;bothering
1589 hiris see IRIS.
1590 hirupan inhaling
1591 histeresis dielektrik dielectric hysteresis
1592 histeresis mekanis mechanical hysteresis
1593 hitam karena asap smoke-blackened
1594 hitam kelabu kishy
1595 hitam-putih black and white
1596 hitamkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = blacken;blackened;blackened;blackening
1597 hittorf hittorf
1598 hitung dari vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = reckon from;reckoned from;reckoned from;reckoning from
1599 hitung dengan teliti vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = figur out;figured out;figured out;figuring out
1600 hitung jumlah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = count;counted;counted;counting
1601 hitung kembali vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = recount;recounted;recounted;recounting
1602 hitung mundur vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = count down;counted down;counted down;counting down
1603 hitung resikonya vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = count the cost;counted the cost;counted the cost;counting the cost
1604 hitung sebagai vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rank among;ranked among;ranked among;ranking among
1605 hitungan angka arithmetic counting
1606 hitungan mundur count down
1607 hitungan untung rugi profit and loss account
1608 hitungankekisi lattice calculation
1609 hmi [Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam] Muslim Students' Association.
1610 ho,ho. [hongeroedeem] malnutrition.
1611 hoakiau /Hoakiauw/ overseas Chinese.
1612 hobat see OBAT.
1613 hodeng comportment, the way o. carries o.s.
1614 hodograf hodograph
1615 hofmester chief musician of a palace (colonial period).
1616 hohlraum hohlraum
1617 hojat see HUJAT.
1618 hok hock
1619 hokki field hockey.
1620 holobis kuntul baris yo-heave-ho
1621 holofot holophote
1622 holofotal holophotal
1623 holografi bumi earth holography
1624 holopis (kuntul baris) Yo-heave-ho (exclamation to summon up strength when lifting things).
1625 homeopatik homocophatic
1626 homogenitas ruang waktu homogeneity of space-time
1627 homogenitas ruang homogeneity of space
1628 homogenitas waktu homogeneity of time
1629 homogenkan vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = homogenize;homogenized;homogenized;homogenizing
1630 homoklin homocline
1631 homometrik homometric
1632 homonuklir homonuclear
1633 homoseks wanita lesbian
1634 homosentris homecentric
1635 homosiklis homocyclic
1636 honar see ONAR.
1637 hongeroedeem /hongerudim/ malnutrition, undernourishment.
1638 honggi see HONGI.
1639 honghouw (China) empress.
1640 hongi punitive 17th-century expeditions by Dutch in the Moluccas to extirpate spice trees.
1641 hongsi (Cina) rheumatism.
1642 hooi see HOI.
1643 hopeng /hoping/ (China) close friend.
1644 horison rencana planning horizon
1645 horizon buatan artificial horrizon
1646 hormat kami yours faithfully
1647 hormat saya yours faithfully
1648 hormat senjata present arms
1649 hormati hukum respect to the law
1650 hormati secara meriah vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = shower upon;showered upon;showered upon;showering upon
1651 hormati sepanjang jaman vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = time-honor;time-honored;time-honored;time-honoring
1652 hormati vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = respect;respected;respected;respecting
1653 hormon insulin insulin
1654 hormon yang dibuat ginjal adrenalin
1655 horn
1656 hospitalisasi hospitalization.
1657 hotel kelas rendah pothouse
1658 hotmat kami Yours ever
1659 huap see SUAP.
1660 hubble hubble
1661 hubung ke vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = interface to;interfaced to;interfaced to;interfacing to
1662 hubungan Bennet Bennet relation
1663 hubungan Blackett Blackett relation
1664 hubungan Bragg-Grey Bragg-Grey relation
1665 hubungan Ehrenfest Ehrenfest relation
1666 hubungan Einstein Einstein relation
1667 hubungan Gruneisen Gruneisen relation
1668 hubungan Hagen-Rubens Hagen-Rubens relation
1669 hubungan Heisenberg Heisenberg relations
1670 hubungan Kramers-Kronig Kramers-Kronig relation
1671 hubungan Lorentz-Lorentz Lorentz-Lorentz relation
1672 hubungan Lorentz Lorentz relation
1673 hubungan Maxwell Maxwell relation
1674 hubungan antar pribadi interpersonal
1675 hubungan antar suku race relations
1676 hubungan antena antenna coupling
1677 hubungan antibalik-urut kovarian covariant anticommutation relation
1678 hubungan antibalik-urutan anticommutation relation
1679 hubungan asmara love affair
1680 hubungan balik-urut kanonis canonical commutation relation
1681 hubungan balik-urut kovarin covariant commutation relation
1682 hubungan balik-urut medan elektromagnetik commutation relations of electromagnetic field
1683 hubungan balik-urut pusa sudut angular momentum commutation relation
1684 hubungan baterei battery circuit
1685 hubungan bintang star connection
1686 hubungan de Broglie de Broglie relation
1687 hubungan dekat affinity
1688 hubungan deret series connection
1689 hubungan ekonomi economic relation
1690 hubungan elektromagnetik electromagnetic relation
1691 hubungan frekuensi Bohr Bohr frequency relation
1692 hubungan kalimat context
1693 hubungan karena keturunan consanguinty
1694 hubungan kebersesuaian Bohr Bohr's correspondence relation
1695 hubungan kebersesuaian correspondence relation
1696 hubungan kekeluargaan relationship
1697 hubungan kelengkapan completeness relation
1698 hubungan keortonormalan orthonormality relation
1699 hubungan kerenjangan orthogonality relation
1700 hubungan ketakpastian tenaga-waktu energy-time uncertainty relation
1701 hubungan ketakpastian uncertainty relation
1702 hubungan ketertutupan closure relation
1703 hubungan kuat sesar Frenkel Frenkel shear strength relation
1704 hubungan majikan-buruh industrial relations
1705 hubungan massa-tenaga mass-energy relation
1706 hubungan mekanis mechanical linkage
1707 hubungan menyilang crossing relation
1708 hubungan pengeras suara amplifier connection
1709 hubungan pertalian tie-in
1710 hubungan pusa-tenaga energy momentum relation
1711 hubungan riam cascade connection
1712 hubungan sebab akibat causality
1713 hubungan sebab-akibat causal connection
1714 hubungan sejajar parallel connection
1715 hubungan seks antar saudara incest
1716 hubungan status suami istri marital maritaal
1717 hubungan tanah penolong auxiliary earth
1718 hubungan tebaran Bohm-Gross Bohm-Gross dispersion relation
1719 hubungan tebaran fonon phonon dispersion relation
1720 hubungan tebaran magnon magnon dispersion relation
1721 hubungan tebaran dispersion relation
1722 hubungan tenaga Einstein Einstein energy relation
1723 hubungan tenaga-pusa energy-momentum relations
1724 hubungan terputus stop contact
1725 hubungan yang sangat dekat very close relationship
1726 hubungan-hubungan Maxwell Maxwell relations
1727 hubungan-hubungan kebalikan Onsager Onsager reciprocal relations
1728 hubungkan ke vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = interfac to;interfaced to;interfaced to;interfacing to
1729 hubungkan satu dng lain vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = interrelate;interrelated;interrelated;interrelating
1730 huduh see ODOH.
1731 huhh bah
1732 hujan badai dengan petir thunderstorm
1733 hujan badai yang turun mendadak squall
1734 hujan badai rainstorm
1735 hujan batu es hailstone
1736 hujan debu ash rain
1737 hujan es dan salju sleet
1738 hujan es dengan angin ribut hailstorm
1739 hujan lebat sekali vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rain cats and dogs;rained cats and dogs;rained cats and dogs;raining cats and dogs
1740 hujan petir thunder in rain
1741 hujan salju mendadak flurry
1742 hujan salju snow flurries
1743 hujan turun dengan deras sekali vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rain in torrents;rained in torrents;rained in torrents;raining in torrents
1744 hujan turun rain fall
1745 hujan yang deras tiba-tiba cloud burst
1746 hujani vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = rain;rained;rained;raining
1747 huk-huk 1 sound of coughing. 2 coughing.
1748 huk 1. (Sport) hook. 2. (Coll.) 1) corner (of room). 2) intersection.
1749 hukam Ohm Ohm's law
1750 hukam Pascal Pascal law
1751 hukam balikan kubik kakas inverse cube law of force
1752 hukam pergeseran Wien Wien displacement law
1753 hukom Fick Fick's law
1754 hukum Abney Abney law
1755 hukum Amagat Amagat law
1756 hukum Ampere-Laplace Ampere- Laplace law
1757 hukum Ampere
1758 hukum Avogadro Avogadro law
1759 hukum Bernoulli Bernoulli law
1760 hukum Biot-Savart Biot-Savart law
1761 hukum Bouguer-Larnbert Bouguer-Lambert law
1762 hukum Bouguer Bouguer law
1763 hukum Boyle-Mariotte Boyle-Mariotte law
1764 hukum Boyle Boyle law
1765 hukum Bragg Bragg law
1766 hukum Bravais Bravais law
1767 hukum Brewster Brewster law
1768 hukum Charles-Gay-Lussac Charles-Gay-Lussac law
1769 hukum Charles Charles law
1770 hukum Child Langmnir Child Langmuir law
1771 hukum Curie-Weiss Curie-Weiss law
1772 hukum Curie Curie law
1773 hukum Dalton Dalton law
1774 hukum Darcy Darcy's law
1775 hukum Descartes Descartes law
1776 hukum Dulong-Petit Dulong-Petit law
1777 hukum Faraday-Henry Faraday-Henry law
1778 hukum Faraday Faraday law
1779 hukum Fick Fick law
1780 hukum Fresnel-Arago Fresnel-Arago law
1781 hukum Gauss Gauss's law
1782 hukum Gibbs Gibb's law
1783 hukum Hertz Hertz law
1784 hukum Joule Joule law
1785 hukum Jurin Jurin law
1786 hukum Kepler Kepler's law
1787 hukum Kirchhoff Kirchhoff law
1788 hukum Ladenburg law of Ladenburg
1789 hukum Lambert Lambert laws
1790 hukum Laplace Laplace law
1791 hukum Leduc Leduc law
1792 hukum Mariotte Mariotte law
1793 hukum Newton kedua Newton second law
1794 hukum Newton ketiga Newton third law
1795 hukum Newton pertama Newton first law
1796 hukum Ohm rampat generalized Ohm's law
1797 hukum Ohm Ohm law
1798 hukum Stefan-Boltzmann Stefan-Boltzmann law
1799 hukum T3 Debye Debye T3 law
1800 hukum Wiedermann-Franz Wiedermann-Franz law
1801 hukum abrams abrams law
1802 hukum adiabatik Ehrenfest Ehrenfest adiabatic law
1803 hukum adiabatik adiabatic law
1804 hukum agar baik vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = chasten;chastened;chastened;chastening
1805 hukum agar lebih baik vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = chasten;chastened;chastened;chastening
1806 hukum agihan Fermi-Dirac law Fermi-Dirac distribution
1807 hukum agihan Maxwell-Boltzmann Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law
1808 hukum agihan Planck Planck distribution law
1809 hukum agihan dasar fundamental distribution law
1810 hukum agihan distribution law
1811 hukum aksi massa law of mass action
1812 hukum anak children law
1813 hukum angkasa space law
1814 hukum azasi fundamental norm
1815 hukum balikan knadrat inverse-square law
1816 hukum balikan kuadrat inverse-square law
1817 hukum bauran Graham Graham law of diffusion
1818 hukum berat vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = throw the book at;thrown the book at;thrown the book at;throwing the book at
1819 hukum bukti law of evidence
1820 hukum cambuk flagellant
1821 hukum dasar fisika fundamental laws of physics
1822 hukum difusi Graham Graham's law of diffusion
1823 hukum distribusi Boltzmann Boltzmann distribution law
1824 hukum doblet Sommerfeld Sommerfeld law for doublets
1825 hukum ekonomi economic law
1826 hukum ekuipartisi equipartition law
1827 hukum fotoelektrik Einstein Einstein photoelectric law
1828 hukum gadai lien
1829 hukum gas adiabatik adiabatic gas law
1830 hukum gas ideal ideal gas law
1831 hukum gerak Newton Newton law of motion
1832 hukum gerak kedua Newton Newton's second law of motion
1833 hukum gerak ketiga Newton Newton's third law of motion
1834 hukum gerak planet Kepler Kepler's laws of planetary motion
1835 hukum gereja katolik canon law
1836 hukum gesekan Newtonan Newtonian ffiction law
1837 hukum gravitasi Newton Newton law of gravitation
1838 hukum gravitasi law of gravitation
1839 hukum hambatan Newton Newton's law of resistance
1840 hukum imbasan elektromagnetik electromagnetic induction law
1841 hukum kakas balikan inverse power force laws
1842 hukum keadaan bersesuaian law of corresponding state
1843 hukum kebendaan law of goods
1844 hukum kebiasaan customary law
1845 hukum kedua termodinamika second law of thermodynamics
1846 hukum kekekalan aditif additive conservation law
1847 hukum kekekalan arus law of current conservation
1848 hukum kekekalan bilangan zarah number of particles conservation law
1849 hukum kekekalan massa conservation laws of mass
1850 hukum kekekalan mengganda multiplicative conservation law
1851 hukum kekekalan muatan elektrik conservation law of electric charge
1852 hukum kekekalan muatan charge conservation law
1853 hukum kekekalan pusa sudut angular momentum conservation law
1854 hukum kekekalan tenaga mekanis law of concervation of mechanical energy
1855 hukum kekekalan tenaga conservation laws of energy
1856 hukum kekekalan conservation laws
1857 hukum kelembaman law of inertia
1858 hukum ketiga termodinamika third law of thermodynamics
1859 hukum kosinus Knudsen Knudsen cosine law
1860 hukum kosinus Lambert Lambert cosine law
1861 hukum kosinus-kuadrat Malus Malus cosine-squared law
1862 hukum makin kurangnya produksi law of diminishing return
1863 hukum optik-tegangan stress-optic law
1864 hukum pancaran Wien Wien radiation law
1865 hukum pangkat empat fourth power law
1866 hukum pangkat-4 fourth-power law
1867 hukum pantulan Bragg Bragg reflection law
1868 hukum pantulan reflection law
1869 hukum paten patent law
1870 hukum pembiasan Descartes Descartes laws of refraction
1871 hukum pembiasan Snellius Snell laws of refraction
1872 hukum pembiasan laws of reffaction
1873 hukum pembuktian law of evidence
1874 hukum penambahan kecepatan addition laws for velocities
1875 hukum pendinginan Newton Newton law for cooling
1876 hukum penyinaran Kirchhoff Kirchhoff law for radiation
1877 hukum penyinaran radiation law
1878 hukum peralihan right transfer
1879 hukum perang articles of war
1880 hukum peraturan istimewa the special law
1881 hukum perdata antar bangsa international civil law
1882 hukum perdata antar golongan intergentiel recht
1883 hukum pergeseran displacement law
1884 hukum perjanjian contractual law
1885 hukum perpajakan revenue tax
1886 hukum pertama temmodinamika first law of thermodynamics
1887 hukum pertama termodinamika first law of thermodynamics
1888 hukum pertambangan mining right
1889 hukum publik antar bangsa international law
1890 hukum publik public law
1891 hukum putusan hakim case law
1892 hukum radiasi Stefan Stefan law of radiation
1893 hukum rerasan decay law
1894 hukum sebab akibat law of causality
1895 hukum tata usaha negara administrative law
1896 hukum tebaran dispersion law
1897 hukum tentang orang personal law
1898 hukum termodinamika law of thermodynamics
1899 hukum untai ampere's circuital
1900 hukum yang berlaku di mana gugatan itu diterima law which is valid where the claim was accepted
1901 hukum yang berlaku di mana hukum itu dibuat law which is valid where it was drafted
1902 hukum yang berlaku di mana perjanjian itu dibuat law which is valid where the contract was agreed and signed
1903 hukum yang berlaku di negara tempat pidana itu dil law which is valid where the crime was committed
1904 hukum yang berlaku applicable law
1905 hukum yang sangat kuat such a powerful law
1906 hukum yang tidak tertulis unwritten law
1907 hukum-hukum Fresnel-Arago Fresnel-Arago laws
1908 hukumLangevin-Debye Langevin-Debye law
1909 hukuman badan corporal punishment
1910 hukuman berat the devil to pay
1911 hukuman bersyarat conditional punishment
1912 hukuman in absentia punishment in absentia
1913 hukuman kerja paksa hard labor
1914 hukuman kurungan pencegahan detention on suspicion
1915 hukuman mati dengan listrik electrocution
1916 hukuman neraka hellfire
1917 hukuman penjara seumur hidup lifelong imprisonment
1918 hukuman ringan light arrest
1919 hukuman seumur hidup a life sentece
1920 hukuman tambahan extra punishment
1921 hukuman terakhir on pain of
1922 hukuman terjun melalui kapal walk the plank
1923 hukuman untuk kebaikan chastisement
1924 hukuman utama main punishment
1925 hukuman-hukuman pokok cardinal sentence
1926 hulu cemeti crop
1927 hulu detektor bocoran leak detector head
1928 hulu gesek friction head
1929 hulu ledak warhead
1930 hulu tekanan pressure head
1931 hulu tolok gaugehead
1932 humiditas absolut absolute humidity
1933 humor yang menyesatkan depraved humour
1934 hunian bagian fractional population
1935 hunkwe k.o. gelatin made from mung bean flour.
1936 hunyi see HUNI.
1937 hup-hup exclamation to encourage o. to jump.
1938 huree whoopee
1939 huruf atau bunyi semi vokal semivowel
1940 huruf cetak halus fine print
1941 huruf gambar ideogram
1942 huruf hidup pendek short vowel
1943 huruf kanji Kanji Characters
1944 huruf morse morse character
1945 huruf paku cunciform
1946 huruf pika pica
1947 huruf rangkap digraph
1948 huruf s ess
1949 huruf yang ditulis di atas superscript
1950 huruf z zee
1951 hurufuah see HARFIAH.
1952 husaren-sla k.o. vegetable and fruit salad with mayonnaise and sometimes bits of cold meats.
1953 huse Hurrah !
1954 hustis see HOSTES.
1955 husy
1956 hutan berdaun penuh grenwood
1957 hutan rakyat people forest
1958 hutang bank bank payable
1959 hutang budi moral duty
1960 hutang bunga interest payable
1961 hutang cicilan installment payable
1962 hutang dagang accounts payable
1963 hutang deviden devidend payable
1964 hutang eksternal external debt
1965 hutang gaji bagian penjualan sales salaries payable
1966 hutang jangka panjang lainnya other long term liabilities
1967 hutang jangka panjang long term liabilities
1968 hutang lancar lainnya other current liabilities
1969 hutang lancar current liabilities
1970 hutang negara National Debt
1971 hutang obligasi bond payable
1972 hutang pajak tax payable
1973 hutang sewa jangka panjang longterm lease obligation
1974 hutang tanpa dana unfunded debt
1975 hutang usaha account payable
1976 hutang yang belum lunas arreas
1977 hutang yang tak terbayar bad debts
1978 hutangan having a debt.
1979 hutankan kembali vb1;vb2;vb3;vb.ing = reforest;reforested;reforested;reforesting
1980 huygens huygens
1981 hvs [houstvrij schrijfpapier] bond paper of 60-100 gram thickness (lit., bondpaper free of wood).
1982 hwa-hwe (China) popular game of numbers for gambling.
1983 hwee (Cina) association.
1984 hydrolistrik see HIDROLISTRIK.
1985 hygiene see HIGIENE.
1986 hygienis see HIGIENIS.
1987 hyperbolis hyperbolic.
1988 hypertensi see HIPERTENSI.
1989 hypnotisir see HIPNOTISIR.
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