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Kata Awalan T Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris

Index Kamus Melayu Inggris
Kata Awalan T Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 Taurat Old Testament
2 Tiongkok China
3 Tuhan God
4 tun an honourable title
5 taat obedient; faithful; loyal
6 tabah determined; persevering
7 tabal to install; to inaugurate
8 tabiat habit; behaviour
9 tabii natural; inborn
10 tabik a salute
11 tabir curtain; screen
12 tabuh a mosque drum
13 tabung uji test tube
14 tabung money-box; fund; tube
15 tabungan savings
16 tabur to scatter; to disseminate
17 tadah to receive with both palms
18 tadahan catchment
19 tadbir administrative
20 tadi just now
21 tadika kindergarten
22 tafakur meditation
23 tafsir interpretation
24 tagak (1)durable; lasting (2)to hesitate; to dilly-dally; to defer
25 tagih to crave for; addictive
26 tahan api fireproof
27 tahan lasak hardy
28 tahan uji endurance test
29 tahan to endure; to last; to tolerate
30 tahanan detention
31 tahap level; stage
32 tahi arak an alcoholic
33 tahi judi a gambler
34 tahi mata eye discharge
35 tahi telinga ear wax
36 tahi dung
37 tahniah congratulations
38 tahu-tahu without being aware of
39 tahu (1)to know (2)soya
40 tahun year
41 tahunan annual
42 tahyul superstition
43 taja to sponsor
44 tajaan sponsorship
45 tajak a hoe
46 tajam sharp
47 tajuk title
48 tak no; not (abbreviation of tidak)
49 takabur proud; arrogant
50 takal pulley
51 takar glass or porcelain jar
52 takat extreme degree or limit
53 takdir destiny; fate
54 takhta throne
55 takik notch; indentation
56 takjub astonished; amazed
57 takkan impossible; can't; won't
58 taklimat briefing
59 takluk to subject; to subdue; to subjugate
60 takrif definition; description
61 taksir to assess; to evaluate; to appraise
62 taksiran assessment; estimate; evaluation
63 takung stagnant
64 takungan reservoir
65 takut afraid
66 takwim almanac; calendar
67 takziah condolence
68 takzim high respect
69 tala (1)tune; pitch (in music) (2)padlock
70 talak divorce
71 talam tray
72 tali rope
73 talian a line (of telephone)
74 talu to flog; to wallop
75 tamadun civilization; civilized
76 tamak greedy
77 taman park; garden
78 tamar date (fruit)
79 tamat finished; ended; terminated
80 tambah to add; to increase
81 tambahan addition; an increase; additional
82 tambak embankment; dyke
83 tambang fare (for transport)
84 tambat to tie up; to moor
85 tambatan connection; mooring buoy
86 tampak visible
87 tampaknya apparently; obviously
88 tampal to patch; to plaster
89 tampalan a patch; a plaster; a poultice
90 tampan (1)handsome; smart-looking (2)to stop something moving
91 tampar to slap
92 tamparan a slap
93 tampi to winnow or sift
94 tampil to appear; to come forward
95 tampuk calyx
96 tampung to bear; to endure; a patch
97 tamsil parable; analogy
98 tamsilan comparison
99 tamu guest
100 tanah gambut peat
101 tanah gembur loam
102 tanah jajahan colony
103 tanah liat clay
104 tanah pamah plains
105 tanah tumpah darah motherland
106 tanah soil; land; ground
107 tanahair motherland
108 tanak to cook rice
109 tanam-tanaman all kinds of plants
110 tanam to plant
111 tanaman plants
112 tanda sign; mark; symbol
113 tandan bunch; cluster (of bananas, etc.)
114 tandang visit
115 tandas toilet; latrine
116 tandatangan signature
117 tanding to compete
118 tandu stretcher
119 tanduan palanquin
120 tanduk horn
121 tangan hand
122 tangga ladder; stairs; a scale
123 tanggal (1)to drop off; to take off (2)date (of calendar)
124 tanggap to listen carefully
125 tanggapan response; reaction; notion; idea
126 tangguh postpone
127 tangguk a small fishing net
128 tanggung (1)to bear; to be responsible (2)inadequate
129 tanggungan responsibility; obligation; surety
130 tanggungjawab responsibility
131 tangis to weep
132 tangisan weeping; crying
133 tangkai jering stingy
134 tangkai a stalk; a handle; a stem
135 tangkal an amulet; a talisman
136 tangkap to catch
137 tangkapan a catch; the capture
138 tangkas nimble; agile
139 tangkis to ward off; to repulse; to repel
140 tanglung lantern
141 tangsi barracks
142 tani farming
143 tanjak (1)head-dress (2)going obliquely upwards
144 tanjung cape (land jutting out into the sea)
145 tanpa without
146 tanya to ask; to enquire
147 tapa hermitage
148 tapak palm of the hand; sole of the foot; base; site
149 tapis to filter; to sieve; to censor
150 tapisan filtrate
151 tara equal; par; even
152 taraf standard; status; level
153 tarah to plane wood
154 tari to dance
155 tarian a dance
156 tarik to pull
157 tarikh date (of the calendar)
158 taring tusk; fang
159 taruh (1)stake; bet (2)to put; to place
160 tarung to clash; to dispute; to quarrel
161 tasik lake
162 tata system; order
163 tataacara agenda
164 tatabahasa grammar
165 tatacara procedure
166 tatah inlaid work
167 tatahan inlay
168 tatahukum legal system
169 tatang to carry in the palm of the hand
170 tatap to observe intently; to scrutinize
171 tatapan scrutiny
172 tatasusila code of ethics
173 tatatertib discipline
174 tatih unsteady; wobbly; to toddle
175 tatkala when
176 taubat repentance; penitence
177 taufan typhoon
178 tauge bean sprout
179 tauhu soyabean curd
180 tauke Chinese business proprietor
181 taulan friend
182 tauliah letter of appointment; commission
183 taun cholera
184 taup united; connected; joined together
185 taut joined together; united (of wound)
186 tawa laugh
187 tawar hati disheartened
188 tawar (1)tasteless (2)to bargain
189 tawarikh history; annals
190 tayang to show; to display; to screen (a film)
191 tayangan a show; a display; a screening
192 tebal thick; dense (of growth)
193 tebu sugar-cane
194 teduh protection or shelter
195 tedung cobra
196 tegah to forbid; to prohibit
197 teh tea
198 teka-teki a riddle
199 teka to guess
200 tekaan a guess
201 tekad will-power; determination
202 tekak throat
203 tekan (1)to press (2)to oppress; to ill-treat
204 tekanan pressure; stress
205 tekap (1)to trace (2)to cover
206 tekat embroidery
207 teko teapot
208 tekong anchorman (in sports)
209 tekukur large cuckoo-dove
210 tekun diligent; hardworking; industrious
211 telaah to study; to examine
212 teladan example
213 telaga well
214 telagah to quarrel; to disagree
215 telah (1)already; have; did; has (2)to forecast; to predict
216 telahan prediction
217 telan to swallow
218 telangkup upside-down
219 telanjang nude; naked
220 telap permeable
221 telapak palm of hand; sole of foot
222 telatah behaviour
223 telekung a white praying veil used by Muslim women
224 telentang supine
225 telinga ear
226 telingkah to argue; to dispute; to quarrel
227 teliti care; close attention; accuracy; precision
228 teluk bay
229 telungkup to lie prone
230 telunjuk index finger
231 telur dadar omelette
232 telur masin salted egg
233 telur egg
234 telut to kneel
235 teman companion; friend
236 temasya a show or event (cultural, musical)
237 tembaga kuning brass
238 tembaga merah copper
239 tembaga perunggu bronze
240 tembaga putih pewter
241 tembaga copper; brass
242 tembak-menembak a shoot-out
243 tembak to shoot
244 tembakan shooting
245 tembakau tobacco
246 tembam plump
247 tembelang addled (of eggs)
248 temberang to tell a lie; to brag
249 tembikai watermelon
250 tembikar porcelain; earthenware
251 tembok wall; embankment
252 tembolok crop, gizzard (of birds)
253 tembung meet; encounter
254 tembuni placenta; afterbirth
255 tembus perforated; penetrable
256 tempa to weld; to forge (metals)
257 tempah to reserve; to book
258 tempahan booking
259 tempang lame; crippled
260 tempat place; location
261 tempatan local
262 tempayan large earthen water-barrel
263 tempel to stick; to paste; to glue
264 tempelak to rebuke; to reproach; to censure
265 tempeleng to slap on the face
266 tempiar scattered
267 tempik-sorak cheering
268 tempik a short loud cheer
269 tempikan loud shouting
270 tempoh period of time
271 tempoyak preserved durian
272 tempua weaver bird
273 tempuh to go or pass through
274 tempuling harpoon
275 tempur to clash
276 tempurung coconut shell
277 temu duga an interview
278 temu ramah an interview
279 temu to meet; to find
280 tenaga energy; power; strength
281 tenang calm; quiet; still; composed
282 tenat critically ill; exhausted
283 tendang to kick
284 tendangan a kick
285 tengadah to look up
286 tengah hari midday
287 tengah middle; centre
288 tenggala a plough
289 tenggara south-east
290 tenggek to squat; to crouch; to perch
291 tenggelam to sink; to set (of sun)
292 tengger to perch
293 tenggiling armadillo
294 tengik rancid (of oil)
295 tengkar to quarrel
296 tengking to snarl
297 tengkingan a snarl
298 tengkolok head-dress
299 tengkorak skull
300 tengku a Malay prince or princess
301 tengkuk nape of neck
302 tengok to see; to consider
303 tentang about; regarding
304 tentangan objection; opposition; resistance
305 tentera army; military; troops
306 tenteram calm; peaceful; tranquil; quiet
307 tentu sure; certain; definite
308 tenun to weave
309 tenung (1)to forecast (2)to gaze fixedly
310 tenungan prediction
311 tenusu dairy
312 tepat exact; precise
313 tepung flour
314 tera stamp; official seal
315 teradat has become a custom
316 teragak-agak to hesitate; to be undecided
317 terajang to kick and trample
318 teraju weighing scales
319 terakhir last one
320 terampai hung to air or dry
321 terancam threatened
322 terang-benderang very bright
323 terang-terang clearly; frankly
324 terang bright; clear
325 terangan-angan to constantly wish for
326 terangguk-angguk to keep nodding
327 terap (1)to apply (2)mould (for cakes)
328 terapung floating or drifting about
329 teras core; essence
330 terasing isolated; separated
331 teratai kecil blue water-lily
332 teratai lotus
333 teratak a small hut
334 teratas the highest
335 teratur orderly; arranged
336 terbabas driven out of its course; driven away from from one's goal or principle
337 terbahagi divided
338 terbahak-bahak to laugh loud and long
339 terbaik the best
340 terbakar on fire; burnt
341 terbalik upside down; reversed
342 terbang to fly
343 terbantut stunted
344 terbanyak the most
345 terbaring in a recumbent position
346 terbatas limited; restricted
347 terbatuk-batuk to cough uncontrollably
348 terbau got the smell
349 terbawa-bawa to be involved; to be influenced
350 terbawa taken unintentionally
351 terbawah lowest
352 terbayang reflected; pictured
353 terbayangkan imagined; reflected
354 terbelah apart; separated
355 terbelenggu handcuffed; shackled
356 terbeli able to buy
357 terbeliak wide open
358 terbelit coiled; twined
359 terbenam immersed in water; embedded
360 terbengkalai unfinished
361 terbentang spread out or unrolled
362 terbentuk formed; established
363 terberak to defecate
364 terbesar largest
365 terbiar neglected; ignored
366 terbilang counted; included; famous
367 terbit to rise; to emerge; to appear
368 terbitan publication; issue; edition
369 terbongkar forced open; exposed
370 terbongkok-bongkok doubled up
371 terbuai-buai swinging; swaying; rocking
372 terbuang discarded
373 terbujur stretched out lengthwise
374 terbuka not covered; unlimited; public
375 terburu-buru in great haste
376 tercabut has been pulled out
377 tercacak upright or erect
378 tercampur mixed; blended
379 tercangkuk hooked
380 tercari-cari looking for; searching
381 tercedera injured; wounded
382 tercegat stand erect or upright
383 tercengang-cengang amazed
384 tercipta created; composed
385 tercungap-cungap panting
386 terdahulu earlier
387 terdaki to manage to climb
388 terdedah exposed
389 terdekat nearest
390 terdepan foremost
391 terdesak desperate
392 terdetik ticking
393 terdiam become speechless or silent
394 terdidik educated; well brought up
395 terdiri to consist of
396 terdorong motivated
397 tergadai mortgaged; pawned
398 tergagap stammering
399 tergamak willing; able
400 tergamam nervous; stunned
401 tergambar depicted; reflected
402 terganggu disturbed; mentally or emotionally unstable
403 tergantung hanging
404 tergaru-garu scratching repeatedly
405 tergeliat sprained
406 tergesel rubbed against
407 tergigit bitten accidentally
408 tergila-gila mad; crazy
409 tergila-gilakan driven crazy by someone or something
410 tergocoh-gocoh hastily; hurriedly
411 tergopoh-gapah in a hurry
412 tergores scratched
413 tergugat threatened; jeopardised; to be at stake
414 terguling overthrown; toppled
415 terhablur in a crystallised state
416 terhad limited
417 terhadap about; toward
418 terhantuk to knock or collide accidentally
419 terhapus eradicated; abolished
420 terharu upset; grieved
421 terhempas thrown; tossed
422 terhendap-hendap to lurk; to be latent
423 terhindar averted
424 terhiris be offended; be hurt; be touched emotionally
425 terhormat respected
426 terhuyung-hayang to stagger
427 teriak a loud cry or shout
428 terik tight; excessive; unbearable
429 terikut-ikut imitating
430 terima kasih thank you
431 terima salah plead guilty
432 terima to receive; to accept
433 teringat-ingat recalling repeatedly; picturing in the mind
434 teringat being reminded
435 terjaga woke up
436 terjamin guaranteed
437 terjangkau reached out
438 terjatuh dropped or fell
439 terjebak trapped
440 terjemah to translate
441 terjemahan translation
442 terjerembat to fall headlong
443 terjerit-jerit screaming
444 terjerumus to fall forward
445 terjumpa found
446 terjun to jump down; to dive
447 terjunam plunged head first
448 terkabul fulfilled; granted
449 terkam to pounce on
450 terkandas failed; stranded; aground
451 terkatung-katung floating
452 terkaya richest
453 terkedepan first in line
454 terkejut shocked
455 terkekek-kekek to giggle; to chortle
456 terkeluar excluded; expressed
457 terkenal famous; well-known
458 terkilan dissatisfied; discontented
459 terkopek peeled off
460 terkoyak torn
461 terkuncup furled
462 ternama famous
463 ternampak visible; seen
464 ternanti-nanti keep waiting with hope
465 ternganga wide open
466 teropong telescope
467 terowong tunnel
468 terpa to leap; to spring forward; to pounce
469 terpelajar educated; learned
470 terperdaya tricked; deceived
471 tertib nikah marriage rites
472 tertib sopan tradition of politeness
473 terubat curable; treatable
474 terubuk herring
475 terukir carved; engraved
476 terung brinjal
477 terurus arranged; regulated; organised
478 terus straight; direct
479 terusan canal
480 terutama especially
481 tetak to chop; to slash
482 tetakan a slash
483 tetamu guest
484 tetangga neighbour
485 tetap specific; unambiguous; fixed; permanent
486 tetapi but; yet
487 tetas to slit open; to hatch
488 tetek breast
489 tetes drop (of fluid)
490 tetesan drops (of fluid)
491 tiada no; not; not any
492 tiang pillar; post
493 tiap every; each
494 tiarap to lie prone
495 tiba-tiba suddenly
496 tiba to arrive; to reach
497 tidak apa-apa nothing
498 tidak apa never mind
499 tidak no; not
500 tidur ayam to sleep lightly
501 tidur mati to sleep soundly
502 tidur to sleep
503 tiga three
504 tikai quarrel
505 tikam dadu gamble
506 tikam (1)to stab (2)to bet
507 tikaman a stab
508 tikar mat; rug
509 tikus rat
510 tilam mattress
511 tilik nasib fortune-telling
512 tilik (1)to observe carefully; to gaze fixedly (2)to foretell
513 tilikan prediction; observation
514 timah tin
515 timang to dandle; to caress; to rock (child)
516 timangan darling; pet; nickname
517 timba pail; bucket
518 timbal balanced; equable
519 timbalan vice; deputy
520 timbang rasa sympathy
521 timbang (1)to weigh (2)to consider; to contemplate
522 timbul to emerge; to appear; to float up
523 timbun heap; pile; mass
524 timbus to fill up (a hole); to bury
525 timpa to strike or hit (of falling object)
526 timpaan obstacle
527 timpal balanced; proportionate
528 timun cucumber
529 timur east
530 tindak balas reaction
531 tindak tanduk behaviour; character; nature
532 tindak to take action
533 tindakan action
534 tindas to oppress; to suppress; to intimidate; to bully
535 tindasan oppression
536 tindih to press upon; to oppress
537 tindik to pierce (ear)
538 tinggal (1)to live (2)to leave (3)to stay behind (4)to be left
539 tinggi high; tall
540 tingkah behaviour
541 tingkahan musical accompaniment
542 tingkap window
543 tingkat storey; floor
544 tinjau to observe; to watch
545 tinjauan observation; survey; review
546 tinju boxing
547 tinkatan form or grade (in school)
548 tinta ink
549 tipis thin; slim; fine (of thread); sheer (of material)
550 tipu deceit; cheat; fraud
551 tirai curtain
552 tiram oyster
553 tiri step-
554 tiris to leak through
555 tiru to copy; to imitate
556 tiruan imitation; counterfeit; a copy
557 tirus tapering
558 titah formal address or speech (royal); royal command
559 titi wooden bridge
560 titian wooden crossing
561 titik dua a colon (:)
562 titik (1)a drop of liquid (2)a full-stop; a dot; a point
563 titikberat emphasize
564 titis a drop
565 titisan droplets; trickle
566 todak sword-fish
567 tohor shallow
568 tok batin Proto-Malay tribal chief
569 tok grandfather
570 toko shop
571 tokoh a figure; a personality
572 tokok addition
573 tokong a Chinese or Buddhist temple
574 tolak ansur to give and take
575 tolak bala to avert evil
576 tolak (1)to push (2)to subtract (3)to reject
577 tolakan a shove; a push; rejection
578 toleh to look back
579 tolok equal; matching
580 tolol stupid
581 tolong-menolong to help one another
582 tolong assistance; to help; please
583 tombak spear; lance; javelin
584 tombol (1)knob (2)knot (in wood)
585 tompok (1)spot; mark; blotch (2)heap; pile
586 tong barrel; bin
587 tonggek protruding (of buttocks)
588 tongkang lighter; flat-bottomed boat or barge
589 tongkat walking-stick
590 tongkol cob (of maize); chunk; nugget
591 tonjol a hump or protrusion; to protrude
592 tonton to watch (as a spectator)
593 tontonan a show or display
594 tonyoh to scrub thoroughly
595 topang support; prop
596 topeng mask
597 topi hat
598 toreh to tap (e.g. rubber)
599 torehan an incision
600 toyol a type of evil spirit or ghost
601 trengkas shorthand
602 tua-tua old; ripe; mature
603 tua (1)old; ripe (2)dark (of colour)
604 tuah luck; fortune
605 tuai harvesting knife; to harvest
606 tuak toddy; palm-wine
607 tuala towel
608 tuan rumah landlord
609 tuan sir; master
610 tuang (1)to pour (2)to be absent
611 tuanku sir (to royalty); your Highness
612 tuas lever
613 tuba poisonous root used in fishing
614 tubi persistently; repeatedly
615 tubuh badan the whole body
616 tubuh body
617 tuding index finger; to point at
618 tuduh to accuse
619 tuduhan accusation
620 tudung cover; lid; veil
621 tugas duty; task
622 tugasan assignment
623 tugu monument
624 tujah to stab; to pierce
625 tuju direction
626 tujuan intention; purpose; aim
627 tujuh seven
628 tukang jahit tailor
629 tukang skilled workman
630 tukar ganti to substitute
631 tukar to change; to exchange
632 tukaran replacement
633 tukul a hammer
634 tulang bone
635 tular contagious; infectious; to spread (disease)
636 tulat third day after today
637 tulen pure; genuine
638 tuli deaf
639 tulis to write
640 tulisan writing
641 tulus honest; sincere; heartfelt; straightforward
642 tumbang collapse; fall
643 tumbesar growth (of plants, etc.)
644 tumbuh-tumbuhan plants
645 tumbuh to develop; to grow
646 tumbuhan growth
647 tumbuk (1)to punch (2)to pound
648 tumis to fry
649 tumit heel (of foot)
650 tumpah darah motherland
651 tumpah to spill
652 tumpahan spillage
653 tumpang (1)to reside (2)to take a lift or ride
654 tumpangan lodging
655 tumpas to annihilate; to destroy
656 tumpat compact; packed; crowded; full
657 tumpu (1)to focus; to concentrate (2)to support
658 tumpuan focus; support
659 tumpul blunt
660 tunai (1)cash (2)accomplished
661 tunang fiancé or fiancee
662 tunas a bud; a sprout
663 tunda (1)to tow (2)to postpone
664 tunduk to bow; to submit
665 tunggak (1)to be in arrears (2)tree stump
666 tunggakan arrears
667 tunggal sole; solitary; single
668 tunggang (1)upside-down (2)to ride
669 tunggu to wait
670 tunggul tree stump
671 tungku trivet; brazier
672 tungkus lumus overworked
673 tunjal to poke; to thrust
674 tunjam to dive; to plunge
675 tunjuk ajar guidance
676 tunjuk perasaan demonstration
677 tunjuk to show; to point
678 tuntun to lead by the hand; to guide
679 tuntut (1)to claim (2)to study
680 tuntutan a claim; a demand
681 tupai squirrel
682 turas to filter
683 turun-temurun hereditary; from generation to generation
684 turun to descend; to disembark; to come down
685 turunan descent; genealogy
686 turus main post or pillar
687 turut to follow; to go along
688 turutan sequence
689 tusuk skewer; pin
690 Tut a graft
691 tutup to shut; to close
692 tutur to speak; to talk; to converse
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