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Kata Awalan O Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris

Index Kamus Melayu Inggris
Kata Awalan O Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 ogos August
2 Oktober October
3 obor torch
4 oceh talk rapidly; jabber; chatter
5 ocehan jabbering talk
6 ogah hookah
7 oh exclamation of delight, pain or emphasis
8 oi a shout for attention
9 olah-olah playfully
10 olah attitude; manner
11 olahraga athletic (adj.); athletics (noun)
12 olahragawan male athlete
13 olahragawati female athlete
14 olakan convection; eddy
15 oleh by; because of
16 oleng sway; rock
17 olok-olok jest; joke; make fun
18 ombak wave
19 omel grouse; grumble
20 omong chatter; empty talk
21 onar commotion; uproar
22 onde-onde sweet dumpling of flour and coconut
23 ongkos cost; expenditure
24 ooh exclamation of surprise, pleasure or pain
25 opah grandmother
26 orang rumah wife
27 orang-orangan puppet; scarecrow
28 orang person or people
29 oren orange
30 otak beku stupid person
31 otak udang stupid
32 otak brain; mind
33 otot muscle
Tentang Kamus Melayu Inggris

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