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Kata Awalan D Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris

Index Kamus Melayu Inggris
Kata Awalan D Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 Dewan Negara Senate
2 Dewan Rakyat House of Representatives (Lower House of Parliament)
3 Disember December
4 dabik to beat or thump
5 dacing weighing scale or balance
6 dada chest
7 dadah drug
8 dadak sudden; abrupt
9 dadih curdle
10 dadu dice
11 daerah district
12 daftar register
13 dagang foreign; alien; trade
14 dagangan merchandise
15 daging meat; flesh
16 dagu chin
17 dahaga thirsty
18 daham hum; clear throat
19 dahan branch (of plant)
20 dahi forehead
21 dahsyat horrible; awful; terrible
22 dahulu kala long ago
23 dahulu before; former; of the past; earlier
24 daif weak; feeble; humble; lowly
25 dajal mischievous
26 dakap embrace or hug
27 dakapan a hug
28 daki (1)dirt or stain (2)climb
29 dakwa accusation
30 dakwaan summons; accusation; indictment
31 dakwah sermon or preaching
32 dakwat ink
33 dakyah propaganda
34 dalal fee or commission
35 dalam (1)inside; in (2)deep
36 dalamnya depth; profundity
37 dalang mastermind
38 dalih equivocation; pretext
39 dalil proof
40 dam draughts (board game)
41 damai peace; tranquility
42 damak dart (for blow-pipe)
43 damar resin
44 dampar cast ashore; stranded
45 damping intimate (friendship)
46 dan and
47 danau lake
48 dandan coiffure; hair-style
49 dandanan coiffure; make-up; outfit
50 dangau small temporary hut (in rice-field or orchard)
51 dangkal shallow; unintelligent
52 dansa dance
53 dapat earn; get as reward; gain as interest; can (be able to)
54 dapur kitchen; stove
55 dara maiden; virgin
56 darab multiplication
57 darah daging blood relation
58 darah muda youthful
59 darah panas hot-headed
60 darah tinggi hypertension
61 darah blood
62 darat land
63 daratan mainland
64 dari from (place or time)
65 daripada from (person)
66 darjah degree; standard; class
67 darjat status; rank
68 darurat emergency
69 das gun or rifle shot
70 dasar base; policy; underlying principle
71 datang come or arrive
72 datar flat; even
73 dataran plain; area of flat land
74 datin a title of distinction for woman
75 datuk (1)grandfather (2)title of distinction for man and woman
76 daulat majesty; kingly power
77 daun leaf
78 dawai wire
79 daya power; capacity; ability
80 dayang court maiden
81 dayu rumble; moan
82 dayung oar
83 dayus man whose wife has committed adultery
84 debar palpitation or throbbing
85 debaran throbbing or palpitation
86 debu dust; dirt
87 debunga pollen
88 debus whistling or rustling sound
89 dedah divulge; expose; reveal
90 dedak bran
91 degil stubborn; obstinate
92 dekah guffaw; loud laughter
93 dekan dean
94 dekat near
95 delapan eight
96 delima (1) ruby (2) pomegranate
97 demam fever
98 demi (1) for (2) when (3) one by one (4) by (for oath or vow)
99 demikian thus; hence; therefore
100 denai spoor; track or scent left by an animal
101 denda fine (imposed for offence)
102 dendam revenge; grudge; spite
103 dendang singing happily and for fun
104 dendangan singing
105 dengan with
106 dengar hear or listen
107 dengki jealousy; envy
108 dengking squeal; yelp (of a dog)
109 dengkur snore
110 dengung buzzing sound
111 dengus a snort
112 dengut emit a long murmur
113 denting a tinkling sound
114 dentum an explosive sound
115 dentuman a loud bang
116 denyut beat (heart) or throb
117 denyutan a beat (heart); a throb; pulsation
118 depa fathom; length measured by outstretched arms
119 depan front
120 dera punish
121 deraan punishment
122 derai crumble
123 deram a growl
124 derap (1)footstep (2)pattering sound
125 deras rapid; quick; swift
126 derau sound of wind in the rain
127 deret row or line
128 deretan rows (of houses)
129 derhaka disloyal; treacherous
130 deria sense (e.g. sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch)
131 dering a chime or burr
132 derita suffering or distress
133 derma donation
134 dermaga wharf or dock
135 dermawan philanthropist
136 deru roar
137 deruan a roar
138 desa countryside
139 desak insist or urge; jostle; press
140 desakan pressure; compelling force
141 desas-desus heresay; rumour
142 desing whistle of the wind
143 desir rustle of leaves; hissing or sizzling sound
144 desiran rustle; hiss
145 destar turban
146 desur babbling sound
147 detak throbbing or thumping
148 detik second or moment; tick
149 dewa male deity or god
150 dewan hall; council
151 dewasa adult
152 dewi female deity or goddess
153 di depan in front
154 di at
155 dia he or she; him or her; it; his
156 diadakan to be held
157 diagihkan distributed
158 dialu-alukan welcome or accepted
159 diam ubi quiet but diligent person
160 diam-diam secretly; quietly
161 diam (1)silent or quiet (2)inhabit or live
162 dian candle
163 diang bask
164 dibiayai defrayed
165 didih boil
166 didik educate or train; bring up (children); breed
167 didikan educational training; upbringing
168 dif guess
169 dikau you
170 dikit a few; a little
171 dimengerti understood
172 dinding wall
173 dingin cold
174 dinihari before dawn
175 diraja royal
176 diri (1) oneself (2) stand
177 doa prayer
178 dobi laundry or dhobi
179 dodoi lullaby
180 dodol a sweet Malay delicacy
181 dogol bald
182 dompet purse; wallet
183 dondang-sayang a traditional Malay song sung alternately by two persons
184 dondang swinging-cot
185 dongak tilt the head upwards
186 dongeng fable; myth
187 dongengan fable; myth
188 dorong impel; urge into being interested; motivate
189 dorongan urging; motivation; encouragement
190 dosa sin
191 dua sejoli lovebirds
192 dua two
193 dubur anus
194 duda widower
195 duduk-duduk sit around
196 duduk (1)to sit (2)to stay or reside
197 duduknya situation
198 duga guess
199 dugaan anticipation; conjecture; trials
200 duit money
201 duka lara sorrowful
202 duka sadness; grief; sorrow
203 dukacita feeling sorry; sad
204 dukun medicine man
205 dukung carry astride the back or waist
206 dulang tray
207 duli your majesty; dust
208 dungu stupid
209 dunia world
210 duniawi worldly
211 duri thorn
212 durjana evil; wicked
213 dusta a lie; untrue statement
214 dusun orchard
215 duta envoy; ambassador
216 duyun in a swarm or crowd
217 duyung mermaid
218 Dwi dual
219 dwibahasa bilingual
220 dwibulanan bimonthly
221 dwimata binocular
222 dwipihak bipartite
223 dwitahunan biennial
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