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Kata Awalan A Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris

Index Kamus Melayu Inggris
Kata Awalan A Menurut Kamus Melayu Inggris
No Kata Arti
1 Ahad Sunday
2 Allah Muslim name for God
3 April April
4 abad century
5 abadi eternal; immortal
6 abah-abah harness
7 abah father
8 abai neglect
9 abang angkat foster brother
10 abang ipar brother-in-law
11 abang tiri stepbrother
12 abang elder brother
13 abdi slave
14 abjad alphabet
15 abu ash
16 abuk dust
17 abung pomelo
18 acah tease
19 acapkali often
20 acar pickle
21 acara event; item in a programme
22 aci shaft
23 acu to direct weapon at target
24 acuan a mould
25 acuh tak acuh to show indifference
26 acuh to care for; to heed
27 acum provoke or instigate
28 acuman provocation
29 ada have; possess; contain
30 adab politeness; good manners; courtesy
31 adakala sometimes
32 adakalanya sometimes
33 adalah is; are; am; was; were
34 adang obstruct; block
35 adapun with regard to
36 adas fennel (yellow-flowered fragrant herb)
37 adat custom; social tradition or practice
38 adegan scene
39 adib well-mannered
40 adik-beradik brothers and sisters
41 adik younger brother or sister
42 adikung assistant officer
43 adil fair; just
44 adinda younger brother or sister (esp. in letter-writing)
45 adu (1)complain (2)compete
46 aduan complaint
47 aduh exclamation of pain
48 aduhai exclamation of sorrow
49 aduk mix; stir
50 adun knead (dough)
51 adunan dough
52 afiat healthy
53 afrit goblin; mischievous elf or spirit
54 agah murmuring sound
55 agak-agak (1)to guess (2)approximately
56 agak guess
57 agaknya perhaps; maybe
58 agam immeasurable; immense
59 agama religion
60 agar-agar jelly
61 agar so that
62 agas gnat; sandfly
63 agih distribute
64 aguk pendant
65 agung supreme
66 ah exclamation of surprise
67 aha exclamation of triumph
68 ahli (1)member (2)expert
69 ahmak stupid
70 aib (1)disreputable; shameful (2)blemish; flaw; defect
71 air batu ice
72 air water
73 Ais ice
74 aiskrim ice-cream
75 ajaib baffling; inscrutable; miraculous
76 ajak invite
77 ajakan invitation
78 ajal doom; death
79 ajar teach
80 ajaran teaching
81 aju moot; bring up for discussion; propose
82 ajuk imitate mockingly; tease
83 ajukan mockery; ridicule; teasing
84 Akad contract; promise
85 akaid religious dogma
86 akal budi common sense
87 akal-akal to pretend or feign
88 akal ability to think and reason
89 akan tetapi but
90 akan-akan as if
91 akan will; shall
92 akar root
93 akhbar newspaper
94 akhir-akhir lately; recently
95 akhir final; conclusive; at the end; last
96 akhiran suffix
97 akhirat eternity; the next world; life after death
98 akhirnya finally
99 akhlak behaviour; character; morals
100 akibat consequence; result
101 akibatnya as a result
102 akidah belief; faith; confidence
103 akikah head-shaving of an infant
104 Akil Baligh grown up; adolescent
105 akil clever
106 akrab intimate in relationship
107 akta act; law passed by legislative body
108 aku me; I
109 akuan confession; acceptance
110 akur agree; consent; approve
111 akusaksi attest
112 alabangka crowbar
113 alah (1)allergic (2)lose; defeated
114 alahan allergy
115 alam (1)nature; world; universe (2)experience
116 alamat address; sign
117 alang (1)crossbeam (2)of little account
118 alangan obstacle
119 alangkah how
120 alas foundation; basis; framework; underlayer
121 alasan excuse; reason; explanation
122 alat ganti spare part
123 alat kelamin genital organs
124 alat appliance; instrument; tool
125 alatan various tools
126 alatulis stationery
127 algojo hangman; executioner
128 alih displace; oust; shift; change
129 alim learned; pious; religious
130 alir flow
131 aliran current or flow; trend of opinion
132 alis eyebrow
133 aliterasi alliteration
134 alkisah the story is that
135 allahyarham the late; the deceased
136 almarhum the late (for male royalty)
137 almarhumah the late (for female royalty)
138 almari cupboard
139 alpa negligent
140 alpukat avocado
141 alu pounder (rice)
142 alun billow; great wave
143 alunan act of billowing or rolling
144 alur groove; furrow
145 am general (not detailed or specific); common
146 amah female housekeeper; maid
147 amal practice; good deed
148 amalan practice; good deed
149 aman peaceful
150 amanah trust
151 amanat commendation
152 amar command; order
153 amaran warning
154 amat very; extremely
155 ambang pintu doorway; doorstep
156 ambang (1)threshold; lintel (2)bob; float
157 ambil take; obtain; fetch
158 ambilan derivation from
159 amboi oh!
160 ambul bounce; rebound
161 ambung back-basket
162 amin amen; so be it
163 amir emir (Muslim ruler or commander)
164 ampai-ampai jellyfish
165 ampai (1)hang (2)tall and slim
166 ampaian clothes-line
167 ampu ingratiate; bring oneself into a person's favour
168 ampun pardon; forgiveness; amnesty
169 amuk amuck; violently out of control; state of murderous frenzy
170 anai, anai-anai termite
171 anak angkat adopted child
172 Anak Bulan new moon
173 anak dara virgin
174 anak merah newborn
175 anak-anak many children; still a child
176 anak-anakan doll; puppet
177 anak-beranak together with the children
178 anak child
179 anakanda son or daughter (in letter-writing)
180 anasir jahat bad social element
181 anasir an element; a distinct social group
182 ancam menace; threaten
183 ancaman a threat
184 Anda you
185 andai if; suppose
186 andaian assumption
187 andainya suppose
188 andam beautician who does the make-up for the bride and bridegroom
189 andas anvil; chopping block
190 anduh suspend by means of a sling
191 aneh bizarre; odd; unconventional; funny; strange
192 aneka ragam variety show
193 aneka multifarious; varied; all sorts of
194 anekarama concert
195 angan-angan imagination; a day-dream
196 angan imagination
197 angau lovesick
198 anggap assume; deem
199 anggapan assumption; opinion
200 anggar estimate
201 anggaran estimation; budget
202 anggerik orchid
203 anggota badan part of the body
204 anggota (1)limb (2)member
205 angguk nod
206 anggukan act of nodding
207 anggur (1) grape (2) jobless
208 angin wind
209 angka numerical figure
210 angkara bad or nasty behaviour
211 angkasa space (beyond earth's atmosphere)
212 angkasawan astronaut
213 angkat lift; raise
214 angkatan udara air force
215 angkatan troops; armed forces
216 angkuh haughty; arrogant; proud
217 angkup callipers; pincers; forceps
218 angkut convey; transport; transmit
219 angsa goose
220 aniaya maltreatment; abuse; injustice; tyranny
221 anjak shift position slightly
222 anjal elastic; flexible
223 anjing dog
224 anjung projecting facade (of a building)
225 anjungan bridge (platform on a ship)
226 anjur to jut out
227 anjuran proposal; sponsored by
228 ansur progress or move in stages
229 ansuran instalment
230 antah rice grains left unhusked after pounding
231 antan pestle
232 antara among; between
233 antarabangsa international
234 antero whole; totally
235 anti opposed to; counteracting; against
236 anting-anting ear-ring
237 anting pendulum
238 anu so and so
239 anugerah award; honour; grace
240 anut embrace; accept; profess; adopt (religion)
241 anutan adherence (to a religion)
242 anyam weave; plait
243 anyaman product of plaiting or weaving; act of plaiting or weaving
244 apa-apa whatever; anything
245 apa what
246 apabila when
247 apakah what
248 apakala when; if
249 apalagi above all
250 api fire
251 apit squeezed between two surfaces
252 apung float; drift
253 ara fig
254 arah direction
255 arahan command; order; instruction; direction
256 arak-arakan cortege; procession; pageant
257 arak (1)liquor (2)procession
258 aral obstacle; hinderance; difficulty
259 arang charcoal
260 aras a level
261 arca image; picture
262 ari-ari abdomen
263 ari abdomen
264 arif learned; wise
265 arkib archives
266 arloji clock; watch
267 arnab rabbit
268 arus current (flow) of water, air or electricity
269 arwah late (no longer living)
270 asa hope
271 asah sharpen; grind; whet
272 asahan act of sharpening
273 asak pack; cram
274 asakan crowd; jam; cramming
275 asal origin; source
276 asalkan provided that
277 asalnya originally
278 asam jawa tamarind
279 asam-asaman sour fruits preserved in salt
280 asam sour
281 asap smoke
282 asar afternoon
283 asas foundation for a theory; basis; principle
284 asasi basic; fundamental
285 asasnya in principle
286 asin salty
287 asing-asing separately
288 asing foreign; separate
289 askar soldier
290 asli indigenous; native; natural; original
291 asmara love; passion
292 asrama hostel
293 astaka pavilion
294 asuh bring up (a child); educate
295 asuhan up-bringing; care (of a child)
296 asyik maksyuk infatuated; besotted
297 asyik besotted; infatuated; in love; engrossed
298 atap roof
299 atas above; up; upon
300 atasan superior or upper class
301 atau or
302 ataupun or
303 atuk grandfather
304 atur cara programme
305 atur arrange
306 aturan regulation; arrangement; rules; procedure; order
307 aum roar
308 aur bamboo
309 aurat parts of the body that should not be exposed according to Islamic belief
310 auta bluff; deceit
311 awak you
312 awal early; beginning
313 awalan grammatical prefix
314 awam civil; public; common; general
315 awan cloud
316 awas caution
317 awet conserve; preserve; embalm
318 ayah father
319 ayahanda father (in letter-writing)
320 ayak-ayak crane-fly
321 ayak sieve
322 ayam belanda turkey
323 ayam denak jungle fowl
324 ayam sabung fighting cock
325 ayam chicken; fowl
326 ayan tin; corrugated iron
327 ayat sentence (set of words)
328 ayatullah senior Muslim religious leader
329 ayu pretty
330 ayun oscillate; swing
331 azab suffering
332 azali from time immemorial
333 azam determination; firmness of purpose
334 azan a Muslim call to prayer
335 azimat talisman
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